Monday 2 August 2021

Heat, loss and doors

 It has been hot hot hot this weekend and today and the forecast is for this to continue at least for the rest of the week. Now I love hot weather but having to work as hard as I am is really starting to drag, and the heat is making it more difficult still. Thank goodness for the pool, frankly.

Teddies tidied at the end of the bed
Teddies tidied at the end of the bed
Playing catch while in the shade
Playing catch while in the shade
Rosie making her way back with her harvest
Rosie making her way back with her harvest
The poor little tree frog
The poor little tree frog
Just a quick beer
Just a quick beer

Saturday is Daddy Day and it started with me helping Rosie to stack all her teddies at the end of her bed (or at least, all the teddies she has in bed over night) after which breakfast and then a game of catch you and catch on the balcony while it was still shaded. She also helped me with the washing, however was distracted by a low hanging plum which she picked which was a shame as it wasn't quite ripe yet. After her nap we went into the pool and sadly found a drowned tree frog. Such a shame! I was then called over to the neighbours for a beer and some BBQ, though I had only one beer and almost no BBQ, before heading home to find terrible news that one of our very good friends had passed away the day before. This then meant neither of us could sleep, which then made Sunday a very difficult day indeed. It was doubly so as the lovely old man from the farm, who had been ill for a fair while, passed away over Saturday night (at 3am while I was up and hobbying I could hear cars coming and going so I knew something was wrong). I was able to go to the wake, though unfortunately it wasn't possible for Angela to come as well because of Rosie, and it was an honour to be able to show respect to the man who made us very welcome. It has been very sad not seeing him around since he had his stroke and now to know he's gone is also sad.

It was a very tough weekend indeed.

Bekir begins grinding
Bekir begins grinding
Halil carries the metal (not sure why above his head?)
Halil carries the metal (not sure why above his head?)
Welding the frame
Welding the frame
The door and the frame, together
The door and the frame, together
Bekir made an awesome handle
Bekir made an awesome handle

And so to today; we both fortunately got far better sleep Sunday night and were a little more with it today. Angela took Rosie to school and the men arrived while she was gone. They were working on the doors for the collection reservoirs today and after a bit of a wobble from me about design they convinced me to stick with the original plan and I'm happy I did so. I think my concerns prompted them to make a small change so they had to pop out to get more metal and when they came back they continued all day grinding and welding and hammering in 40+ degree heat. It was sweltering today. By the end of the day they have pretty much finished two doors set into metal frames with awesome metal handles. I'm so pleased with them! Tomorrow they should fit this, and the hatches, and then they'll be done for this half of the year.

About to get into the pool
About to get into the pool

After school and work it was pool time, and the neighbours grandson came running over as well. It was much needed after the crazy heat.

And there it is. It is still 35 degrees in here on the balcony and due to be hot again tomorrow. See you tomorrow.


  1. Do your workmen ever swim in the pool?

    1. I offer them to every day but so far, not. Maybe today :)
