Wednesday 10 January 2024

A short day finishing up

Today has been the final day for the workmen for who knows how long. We only had Halil here as there was so little left to do and it only took him a short time this morning to get everything done.

Still only a small amount of snow, but pretty
Still only a small amount of snow, but pretty
Rosie attacking me with snow
Rosie attacking me with snow

Before that, the snow stayed over night, and a very small amount more fell as well. The hill was very very slippery and icy which made the drive down to Rosie's school a little interesting however when we reached school she had lots of fun throwing snow at me as we walked in to the school land.

Getting started on the tiling
Getting started on the tiling
Halil showing off his mop skills
Halil showing off his mop skills
Door rehung and done
Door rehung and done
Rose found a new hiding place
Rose found a new hiding place

The task remaining for Halil was to complete the very last of the grouting in the cupboard under the stairs, then clean over multiple times to leave it ready for use. It really didn't take long; the fact of running out of grout did add some time as he had to go down to the shop to grab more. With the grouting done he then washed the floor multiple times before heading off to his summer break. When Rosie got home she was excited to have a new hiding place for hide and seek (at least until the cupboard is filled up!)

Rosie with her Den-den
Rosie with her Den-den

I'll leave you with a picture of Rosie with her Den-den that she built after school with my help. She is taking it down now before bed.

So there it is. I have no idea when the next update will be so thank you for reading so far and back at some point in the future.


  1. Today Google reminded me, with a photo, that it's 10 years since we had the farewell curry in MoMos.

    Happy decennary!!

    1. Ahh man happy memories!! :)

      Thank you :)

      I was trying to guess who this actually is :D let me know!
