Thursday 25 July 2024

Catching up before our holiday

I've been meaning to write this blog for a very long time, but life keeps getting in the way and the past week or so I've been sick. Now suddenly it is tomorrow when we go on holiday so I'd better get to it. Here goes.

A visitor
A visitor
Here is all the fencing we need for next year
Here is all the fencing we need for next year
Angela and Rosie getting the fence assembled
Angela and Rosie getting the fence assembled
Rosie watches me to do the insulation tiles
Rosie watches me to do the insulation tiles
Tiles being laid out, but there weren't enough
Tiles being laid out, but there weren't enough

We'll start off way back before even the pool was up. The delay to the pool going up was multiple. First of all we needed to buy tiles to go underneath the pool which took ages to arrive and then, when they had arrived, we realised that Dutch would probably eat the tiles and the pool if we didn't keep him out. After talking to a fencing hire company I discovered it would be cheaper top buy ALL the fencing I'll need for next year when we replace our front wall then to hire the small amount we'd need to segment the patio. When the fencing arrived we unloaded it then set up a zigzag across to keep Dutch out and finally I pulled all the tiles out and got them laid in place ready for the pool to be put up only to find that my maths had been out and I hadn't ordered enough. So back to waiting! What a pain, and the weather was PERFECT for the whole time as well.

Getting ready to clear some invasive trees
Getting ready to clear some invasive trees
40 minutes of effort made a big difference
40 minutes of effort made a big difference
Rosie helps me harvest, while Dutch hovers
Rosie helps me harvest, while Dutch hovers
Two big buckets of plums
Two big buckets of plums
Time to try remove this tree
Time to try remove this tree
More rocks than roots
More rocks than roots

Halil has not been back since, for various reasons (hopefully he'll be able to come when I get back from holiday) but I have got out into the garden a couple of times to clear some of the invasive trees. I did a load of the very small saplings springing up on the mown area the first time (and pulled lots of stones out as well) which was very satisfying. Later that day Rosie helped me with our next batch of harvesting plums. We got loads of them and these are all now processed and in the freezer. The next day I got out into the garden again and did yet more digging. This was super hard work as the ground here is basically building rubble. There is stones and rocks and bricks and tiles and very little soil. I was exhausted by the time I called it a day.

Just about to attempt the hill
Just about to attempt the hill
Rosie climbing with gusto
Rosie climbing with gusto
Taking regular rests on the climb
Taking regular rests on the climb
There comes the sun
There comes the sun
Sassy Rosie on the hill
Sassy Rosie on the hill
We made it to the top
We made it to the top
Finding it tougher going to descend
Finding it tougher going to descend
Rosie is proud of herself here
Rosie is proud of herself here
Swinging her legs off a tree bridge
Swinging her legs off a tree bridge
Sliding down the bank from the train tracks
Sliding down the bank from the train tracks

Rosie has been talking for weeks about a hill she saw from the road that she wanted to climb so on the Saturday morning, with Angela out at a friends having some relax time, we jumped in the car really early to try and reach the summit. We went early as the temperature was forecast to be rising to about 37C that day and I'm glad we went as it was hot on the way back down. After managing to park we struck out across a field then reach the edge of the wooded band and ran out of any hint of a path so we stuck with it and kept climbing. The way up as OK and as we reach near the top we finally met up with the sun coming over the ridge of the hill. We couldn't quite reach the exact top as it was a thicket of thorn bushes but we were very close. After a short rest for some breakfast biscuits and a banana we headed back down which was, as I expected, very much more difficult. At one point I took a slightly wrong turn which led us into a dead end and we had to climb back up which upset Rosie a little however then we were back on track and she had lots of fun looking for evidence of our previous climb. She did SO well and by the time we got back to the car I think I was more tired than she was. A lovely way to spend a morning indeed.

This strawberry tasted amazing
This strawberry tasted amazing
Lots of little trees to get rid of
Lots of little trees to get rid of
Trees gotten rid of thank goodness
Trees gotten rid of thank goodness
Stubborn stump to get rid of\
Stubborn stump to get rid of\
This time I succeeded
This time I succeeded

It's been so hot and dry that our garden has not been productive at all this year. We've had a few strawberries and a few tomatoes but not much else. I did get out into the garden again and removed more of the small saplings springing up next to the driveway, and then went back over to the stump I had tried and failed to remove the previous time and this go round was able to get it out and a few more besides. It's a slow process but satisfying and I'm glad I've got a little more done working solo. Of course then I had to travel and since getting back I've been sick so no more progress there.

Wind turbines from the air as I fly over
Wind turbines from the air as I fly over
Proud doggy daddy
Proud doggy daddy
A walk up into the peaks from his house
A walk up into the peaks from his house
A really wonderful time with friends
A really wonderful time with friends
Lurtz is still at Warhammer World
Lurtz is still at Warhammer World
Gathered again for a Rice 'n' Three
Gathered again for a Rice 'n' Three
This was so tasty!
This was so tasty!

As I mentioned there I headed to the UK after this. The main reason was to see my very good friend Pixie who emigrated to Australia a year or so before I came to Bulgaria, but as I was over I fitted in a load more awesome as well. I was staying with James, who visited us here last year, and it was a lovely welcome and comfortable experience being in his house. If he ever reads this, thanks again. I got to meet his lovely pooch Waffle, go for a walk with the dog a couple of times, as well as going to the pub with Pixie and James and the next day I went to Warhammer World and met up with another couple of friends which was amazing. Finally on the Monday before I came home I met with some more friends for Rice 'n' Three which was as tasty as it ever is. A good visit indeed.

New basketball hoop up and ready for fun
New basketball hoop up and ready for fun
Rosie has her little hoop as well
Rosie has her little hoop as well
Finally ready for the pool to go up
Finally ready for the pool to go up
Impressed that Angela and I did this alone
Impressed that Angela and I did this alone
Rosie couldn't wait for the pool to fill
Rosie couldn't wait for the pool to fill
It's full enough to float in now
It's full enough to float in now

One thing that James had was a really sturdy basketball net so having seen that I found one in Bulgaria and ordered it, and it arrived very soon after I got home so immediately I put it together and threw some hoops. I don't know why I didn't get one of these a long time ago!. Next up the replacement tiles I'd ordered finally arrived but this time they were very slightly too big!! No matter, Angela had a superb idea for how to make it work and I completed the insulated base then Angela and I put the pool up together, without the men's help! We immediately started filling it and Rose was straight inside with me paddling and splashing around. The next day it was half full and so Angela and Rosie jumped in to cool off and have some fun. It does take a long time to fill up!

Wiring up the first fan
Wiring up the first fan
Bekir brought two pigeons to give to a friend
Bekir brought two pigeons to give to a friend
Drilling through to the roof
Drilling through to the roof
Guest room ceiling fan
Guest room ceiling fan
Doing Room 13 now
Doing Room 13 now

On the Saturday the men came for the day to fit the new ceiling fans that'd delivered while I was in the UK. It took pretty much all day but by the end of it the two guest rooms and Room 13 now had ceiling fans with a light fitted. I must admit I love my ceiling fan; I just leave it on level 1 and it moves so much air and is totally silent. It's very comfortable indeed.

The pool isn't quite full but still we can have fun
The pool isn't quite full but still we can have fun
Angela and Rosie enjoy the full pool
Angela and Rosie enjoy the full pool
Eating plum fresh off the tree
Eating plum fresh off the tree
A kiss for Xena
A kiss for Xena
Hot enough this day
Hot enough this day
Rosie eating her chips
Rosie eating her chips
Moon rise while camping
Moon rise while camping
A cloud burst ... is it heading our way?
A cloud burst ... is it heading our way?
No, no it isn't
No, no it isn't

And now we're about to wrap up this epic update. The pool filled over a few days and has been very much enjoyed by all of us over the past few weeks. Rosie really is a little fish and she loves swimming - yesterday she had her first experience with a snorkel and did very well indeed. We also had another plum harvest, this time the plums were so ripe and Rosie ate a few then took one in for Angela. I really haven't been well for the past week, however, so there's not much I've taken pictures of. Rosie came to see me in bed with Xena and was very sweet indeed at one point. I did take her out for her tea one night when Angela was also not feeling well and it has been very very hot until today. Rosie and I camped on Saturday night last weekend but it was not very successful as it was too hot then there was loud music and I did not sleep well at all. Even Rosie was disturbed by it! The last couple of days the weather has changed a bit with some epic storms going past. The one I got pictures of (while Rosie was playing piano) missed us but last night and this morning it rained non stop for a very long time so we finally got the rain we've so desperately needed.

So there it is. Over fifty pictures! Crazy. Tomorrow we go on our holiday so I'll do another update after that I'm sure. Thanks for reading.

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