Thursday, 16 May 2024

Men done again

That was a really good quick visit from the men, getting lots done in three days, and now they're away again and they may not be back for the rest of this year!

Stork flying past
Stork flying past

I'll open up this update with a picture I meant to include two days ago but forgot. I was mowing the lawn when I heard a strange sound and saw that a stork was sitting on the power pole just on the lane. I got a few pictures before it flew off and just managed to catch that as well. Rosie was very impressed as she loves nature.

The big dope got stuck
The big dope got stuck
Getting ready to fit this as a gate
Getting ready to fit this as a gate
So many poppies, such a beautiful sight
So many poppies, such a beautiful sight
Loads of bees around the poppies
Loads of bees around the poppies

And so to today. First thing this morning, just as we were waking up, Dutch got himself stuck inside the Green Building. He eventually managed to jump out the window again but we were laughing at him. The men were in on time and their first task was finishing the final stretch of fence and putting a gate. They made use of a section of Sassy's run to make the gate - perfect as this is really a stop-gap measure and we'll put proper fencing up soon. I got some lovely pictures of the poppies in the fenced garden as well; these will need digging out as we have onions in there somewhere!

Halil and Bekir hefting this heavy unit
Halil and Bekir hefting this heavy unit
Trying to put a neat hole through...
Trying to put a neat hole through...
... but that didn't work so the chisel was brought out
... but that didn't work so the chisel was brought out
Cutting mesh to put over the hole
Cutting mesh to put over the hole
The failed attempt on the left, and ventilation is in
The failed attempt on the left, and ventilation is in
Sealing the gap under the door frame
Sealing the gap under the door frame

With that task completed I asked them to help me move two of the units out of the Games Room as I'm buying new ones to replace them. These are very heavy but we got one into the corridor and one into the roof space. They then moved on to putting in ventilation for the under stairs storage. Halil had an idea to get a really nice drill to make the hole look nice however once they got that back they found that the stairs are full of rebar so they fell back to using a chisel and smashing their way through. By the end of they had a good sized gap, with some mesh over it, and I think I'm happy now that we won't get damp and smelly in there. I was about to let them head off when I remembered the gap under the middle door by the glass room and so for the last half hour they quickly mixed some cement and filled that in. What a great success and many tasks completed that we didn't think would get done this year.

So there it is. I don't know when I'll be back next, though Rosie was just very excited to tell me she thinks the ducks are going to have babies so maybe if that happens it'll prompt an update. Thanks for reading, back whenever.

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Fence nearly done

The men were back in today working despite the rain and got lots done. They almost finished but I decided to ask them to do the only other task we have for them so they'll be in to do that tomorrow now.
Fencing work
Fencing work
More fencing work
More fencing work
A good looking run of fence
A good looking run of fence
Offering up the gate
Offering up the gate
Welding more frames
Welding more frames
Clever little catch
Clever little catch
Final run of fence work
Final run of fence work
Dutch stuck outside our garden
Dutch stuck outside our garden
First off they completed attaching all the chain link to the first stretch of posts they had put up yesterday then headed down to the shop to pick up some more metal as they had to make four gates and I'd only told them about three. Most of the day was spent constructing these gates and they did a great job on all of them. Welding and bending and hammering and drilling. The little catches they made for the gates are genius indeed. With this done they went round the corner and I think would have stayed late to complete it if I didn't have the extra job for them tomorrow. After school we showed Rosie what had been done and Dutch was outraged to not be able to get in and then when the men left Xena was totally outraged that she can no longer run down to the front corner to bark. So funny!
Rosie swinging after school
Rosie swinging after school
I'll leave you with a picture of Rosie on her swing after school - she's loving it!

So there it is; thanks for reading and back tomorrow.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

A lovely visit from Grandma, and the men are back briefly

Wow this is going to be a long update, and I've not got much time free to type so I'm going to have to get stuck in to it without preamble. Let's get to it! I'll try and break it into sections I think.

The transplanted Oak is going great guns
The transplanted Oak is going great guns
So much weeding to be done
So much weeding to be done
Lovely orchids
Lovely orchids
Here's a tortoise
Here's a tortoise
Thistles out the back bank
Thistles out the back bank
Yet more weeding done
Yet more weeding done
Rowan trees by Grandma's bench
Rowan trees by Grandma's bench
A new Silver Birch to replace this one that died
A new Silver Birch to replace this one that died
Loads of stuff pulled from the raised beds
Loads of stuff pulled from the raised beds
Space for tomatoes
Space for tomatoes
Mowed again
Mowed again

First of all some of the progress made in the garden. I've continued trying to clear and sort the invasive tree problem we've got in the wild area to the right of the driveway but rain and overwork keeps getting in my way. I did get out enough to do a load of weeding before my Mum arrived so we she wasn't looking at the garden and feeling like she had to get out and weed - it was pretty satisfying actually to get on top of it again. I've also mowed the grass a couple of times, and this time I avoided cutting down the lovely orchids (which are spreading - there are SO many up there right now!) and we also go to see some tortoises though they have largely hidden again with the cold weather we've been experiencing. I got to dig out a load of thistles from the back bank one day while Rosie was playing out there, so that was also satisfying. When I collected my mum from the airport I filled the back of Maisie up with trees including a few more Silver Birch, some Rowans and a decorative Japanese Cherry. All these trees are now planted and settling in well. When Angela came back she attacked the raised beds and cleared them all out and I went into the fenced garden and cleared a patch for us to put our spare tomato plants. Dutch has been digging up loads of our newly planted stuff from the raised bed (which is partially why the men are back briefly) so that was quite frustrating. It's been a very very busy time for me but I've been in the garden enough to feel satisfied.

Camping again! WAHOO
Camping again! WAHOO
Eating a doughnut on the rocking chair
Eating a doughnut on the rocking chair
Sun worshippers
Sun worshippers
Rosie with her awesome collection
Rosie with her awesome collection
Very happy sat on Grandma's Bench
Very happy sat on Grandma's Bench
Trampoline fun with Grandma
Trampoline fun with Grandma
What a wonderful birthday!
What a wonderful birthday!
Out out for my birthday
Out out for my birthday
Small sandcastle, and kisses from Xe
Small sandcastle, and kisses from Xe
Another family meal out
Another family meal out
BBQ time of year (briefly)
BBQ time of year (briefly)

On top of that I got the big tent put up for me and Rosie to camp in while Angela was away. It was fun, but not the most successful of experiments, as the puppies would not settle. I had to go back inside for a little until they were ready for bed but Rosie stayed outside and slept without any trouble! We did have a nice time on our own with the weather being glorious (far warmer than it is now) and we were able to play outside lots. I collected Grandma while Rosie was at school and it was such a lovely time to have her here. Rosie particularly enjoyed doing lots of fun things with Grandma including baking me a birthday cake which was awesome! We went out that night for my birthday to a lovely restaurant as Rosie wore a new dress I bought her for the occasion. When Angela got back we all went out again to the new restaurant which is rapidly becoming a favourite and we've even managed to get a BBQ done already this year!

Setting anchors in for the swing
Setting anchors in for the swing
Very secure now
Very secure now
Rosie straight on the swing when she got home
Rosie straight on the swing when she got home
Cutting the grass the traditional way
Cutting the grass the traditional way
Digging post holes
Digging post holes
Fence posts in place
Fence posts in place
The mesh fence is started as well
The mesh fence is started as well

There's probably more I could pull out but I'm exhausted and have loads of other stuff to do so let's get to today. As I've mentioned Dutch has been digging in our garden and destroying so much stuff (the tomatoes and strawberries have really suffered because of him) so we asked the men to come and put a fence across to stop any of the dogs getting into that part of the garden. On top of that I bought a swing set for Rosie that needs to be tied down to the patio and they could do that quickly. The first thing they did today was the swing, drilling and bolting it down and this was done pretty quickly in the end and it is perfect. With that done they started on the fence. First of all some of the grass I hadn't got to (because it rained) was removed with the scythe and then they got old wood from our roof and dug holes and set them in. It will be good for a year or two, which is all we need for now. We even had a chunk of old mesh fence we could reuse. By the end of the day they had run all the poles from the front to the house and put some of the mesh up. This may take another couple of days, with the gates that we need, but it won't be a long job for them.

I had a lovely walk after school with Rosie up to the headland  but I'll leave you with a couple of videos. First of all an epic storm and secondly video of the nightingales that have been singing every night for a while now.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back tomorrow.