Friday 10 January 2014

One more step on the architect trail

Well this is a nice change; I am once again actually blogging about progress over in Bulgaria :)

Progress :) YES!
Progress :) YES!
Earlier in the week I went through the frustrating complexity of sending money over there to pay the new Architect (Lubo) the up front amount to retain his services. Yesterday I received an email from my contact saying he had received it, and already sent the form to Sofia to get the PuP done. He seems to think that this'll be received back either way by February and then he'll make sure to get the temporary electricity connection in and sorted.

240v hookup
240v hookup
As soon as that is done I'll be getting Bekir in to take the power from the consumer unit and put some plug sockets up in room 13 so when I arrive I can immediately plug things in. I'm going to ask if he can put a 240v hookup connector on the outside of the building so I can also immediately hook Julian up when I arrive.

Talking of Julian he hasn't yet got back into the garage about the electrics so I am going to chase this today; the latest I'll send him over is on Monday next week. I really do hope it isn't a costly job; I still haven't had the invoice from all the work done on Thomas either!

Fingers crossed
Fingers crossed
I've got my meetings happening in the next week or so to discuss hopefully having a contract after I have gone; if everyone can cross their fingers really hard for me that would be great; having that extra income would be so useful for me.

So, a short update today, but still good. It is SO nice to know things are progressing in Bulgaria again.

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