Friday 8 October 2021

Rain day so roofing

 Today has been a day of two halves, with the threatened rain closing in after lunch.

Rosie with her rocket
Rosie with her rocket
Making a start cleaning up the tiles
Making a start cleaning up the tiles
Halil grinds the old mortar off
Halil grinds the old mortar off
The pipes for the petchka up in Room 13
The pipes for the petchka up in Room 13

Before school I got to spend time with Rosie again which was lovely; I had a very bad nights sleep so was late down but still got time and that cheered me up to get the day done. Bekir and Halil arrived to a dry but very threatening day and got stuck in to cleaning up the tiles that were piled outside. I really wanted my petchka reconnected, however, so after moving all the furniture out of the way I asked them to come in and fit the pipes back up. This took a bit longer than expected as somehow we've got a shorter run than before however if the temperature drops I can now stay comfortable up here. Angela has already been lighitng the fire downstairs but more on that later. After the pipes they got some more time outside on the tiles before the rain started falling and very heavily so they had to come in.

The men get started on the ceiling
The men get started on the ceiling
Rain rain go away
Rain rain go away
Plasterboarding progress
Plasterboarding progress
Dark, dusty, nasty work
Dark, dusty, nasty work

The first task we asked them to do inside was to put up the new curtain rail at the end of the library however we discovered that the pack was missing its wall mounts so that has been put back. The next task was one that made me very excited indeed. Years ago long term readers may remember Angela and I putting a huge amount of effort into carrying plasterboard into the roof, and then attempting to insulate and line the short corridor and vestibule out towards the Roof Terrace. This hasn't been touched since then however today Bekir and Halil have got stuck into finishing this off. It's a horrible dusty dark job but they are cracking on. This will be the task for them to do while it is raining over the next few days of work and it will be so awesome to have it completed.

Thelma happy in her cave
Thelma happy in her cave

And so that's that. The fire is lit downstairs and Thelma is the happiest dog in the world again. I've got the door shut up here while I do this update so it's not too chilly however I do have a rug wrapped around me so winter is definitely coming. It is still raining.

Thanks for reading, back Monday.

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