Monday 5 December 2022

A weekend, then back to it...

Well here we are again, rushing closer and closer to Christmas but still the men are here. First, however, the weekend.
Rosie with her Playdoh toy
Rosie with her Playdoh toy
Tidying the magnets on the fridge
Tidying the magnets on the fridge
This is our first egg
This is our first egg
I did not take many pictures over the weekend though it was a fun one. Saturday there was time for play before Rosie and I headed into town to get some stuff including a big present for Angela. We decided to give it to her early so we could enjoy it and so the past couple of days we have begun watching The Hobbit on a brand new television. It is awesome. On Sunday I had a day at my desk but Angela and Rosie had a really fun day including clearing all Rosie's artwork off the fridge so it can be stored safely and making space for all the new drawings she will do. We also had a fried breakfast and this included our first ever egg from our chickens.
The second of our friend's freezers is shifted
The second of our friend's freezers is shifted
It's very cramped working in under there
It's very cramped working in under there
Halil rests from lobbing bricks
Halil rests from lobbing bricks
Sweeping as he works
Sweeping as he works
Ending the day doing rock wool
Ending the day doing rock wool
This morning it was still overcast but at least not raining any more. The men were in on time and the first thing I had them do was to help shift the second freezer out of the back of Thomas and into the garage. After that they mixed more mortar up and Bekir got stuck into rendering onto the walls while Halil was both mixing and when not doing that, tidying and clearing. He has thrown all the bricks that were in the roof down onto the ground outside and then stacked them up. Bekir made great progress and by mid afternoon he had done all the way round the bay and also round the corner a bit. He ran out of cement at this point however as I had to go to town in Thomas I set them to working on the insulation rather than wasting time coming with me to get to the shop. A good thing too as I was out for ages.
Happy watching The Hobbit together
Happy watching The Hobbit together
When I got home Rosie was already back. We sat and watched The Hobbit together, then had dinner, then after dinner finished the first film off. Christmas really is here!

So, there it is. Thanks for reading, we'll be back tomorrow.

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