Friday 5 April 2024

We have a "normal" toilet

The men didn't come in yesterday unfortunately but they did today so this is two days in one. I'm camping with Rosie tonight so I'm in a rush to get this done and go out so let's get to it.

The tree is ready for planting
The tree is ready for planting
The sun slowly rising
The sun slowly rising
Oak has a low shoot
Oak has a low shoot
Cherry tree planted and staked
Cherry tree planted and staked

Yesterday I was up early and out to plant the final cherry tree before anyone woke up. It didn't take as long as I feared and now we've three new trees over there around the Oak that I transplanted a few weeks ago. This has seemingly taken very well and is now showing very strong signs of life. The rest of the day was just crazy busy but did involve time sat on the bench on the top bank through the day.

Digging a trench by the green building
Digging a trench by the green building
Rosie operates the shredder
Rosie operates the shredder
Chicken house really needs cleaning
Chicken house really needs cleaning
Rosie and Giant Dolly Rosie on Grandma's bench
Rosie and Giant Dolly Rosie on Grandma's bench

Fortunately the men came back today as we really wanted to get the toilet fitted for the weekend. They got stuck straight in to working on completing the drainage down to the preexisting sewage pipe. Inside Angela and Rosie worked on shredding some more cardboard as we still have the vacuum toilet upstairs and may still end up needing the buckets. It was a lovely day and after doing this Angela went out and worked on cleaning the chicken house out; I just needed to help lift the roost up out the way and she got stuck in. It really was a lovely day and I spent a little more time with Rosie on the top bank enjoying the new bench in a short break I had.

Finishing the trench
Finishing the trench
Chiseling into the cement pipe
Chiseling into the cement pipe
Plastic pipe drops into the cement one
Plastic pipe drops into the cement one
Bekir wrapping up the install
Bekir wrapping up the install
Look at our new toilet
Look at our new toilet

Back with the men they were continuing to work outside to get all the pipes done. This required chiselling through the old concrete pipe to drop the new plastic pipe in. We've decided to leave all the finishing off for Monday in case there is trouble over the weekend so we can fix any problems more easily. With the pipe done they headed inside and, other than a few trips to town for various things, this got fitted in super quick and now we have a "normal" toilet and Angela is very pleased.

Chicken house looking lovely
Chicken house looking lovely

Angela did a great job cleaning the chicken house out and I put the hay in and spread it all out. Bekir turned up with a new duck as well and she has settled in well already.

So there it is; the last two days. We'll be back on Monday but then probably the blog will go quiet again.

Thanks for reading.

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