Thursday 16 May 2024

Men done again

That was a really good quick visit from the men, getting lots done in three days, and now they're away again and they may not be back for the rest of this year!

Stork flying past
Stork flying past

I'll open up this update with a picture I meant to include two days ago but forgot. I was mowing the lawn when I heard a strange sound and saw that a stork was sitting on the power pole just on the lane. I got a few pictures before it flew off and just managed to catch that as well. Rosie was very impressed as she loves nature.

The big dope got stuck
The big dope got stuck
Getting ready to fit this as a gate
Getting ready to fit this as a gate
So many poppies, such a beautiful sight
So many poppies, such a beautiful sight
Loads of bees around the poppies
Loads of bees around the poppies

And so to today. First thing this morning, just as we were waking up, Dutch got himself stuck inside the Green Building. He eventually managed to jump out the window again but we were laughing at him. The men were in on time and their first task was finishing the final stretch of fence and putting a gate. They made use of a section of Sassy's run to make the gate - perfect as this is really a stop-gap measure and we'll put proper fencing up soon. I got some lovely pictures of the poppies in the fenced garden as well; these will need digging out as we have onions in there somewhere!

Halil and Bekir hefting this heavy unit
Halil and Bekir hefting this heavy unit
Trying to put a neat hole through...
Trying to put a neat hole through...
... but that didn't work so the chisel was brought out
... but that didn't work so the chisel was brought out
Cutting mesh to put over the hole
Cutting mesh to put over the hole
The failed attempt on the left, and ventilation is in
The failed attempt on the left, and ventilation is in
Sealing the gap under the door frame
Sealing the gap under the door frame

With that task completed I asked them to help me move two of the units out of the Games Room as I'm buying new ones to replace them. These are very heavy but we got one into the corridor and one into the roof space. They then moved on to putting in ventilation for the under stairs storage. Halil had an idea to get a really nice drill to make the hole look nice however once they got that back they found that the stairs are full of rebar so they fell back to using a chisel and smashing their way through. By the end of they had a good sized gap, with some mesh over it, and I think I'm happy now that we won't get damp and smelly in there. I was about to let them head off when I remembered the gap under the middle door by the glass room and so for the last half hour they quickly mixed some cement and filled that in. What a great success and many tasks completed that we didn't think would get done this year.

So there it is. I don't know when I'll be back next, though Rosie was just very excited to tell me she thinks the ducks are going to have babies so maybe if that happens it'll prompt an update. Thanks for reading, back whenever.

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