Sunday 2 June 2024

All sorts, and Halil Garden Help

Today Halil came past to help me in the garden, something I'm hoping will be a relatively regular thing on a Sunday and so I will do an update whenever he does come past. Lots has gone on so let's get into it.
New swing is super fun
New swing is super fun
A scary monster and Rosie
A scary monster and Rosie
New boat on the front lawn
New boat on the front lawn
A snake that visited us
A snake that visited us
Enjoying the sun
Enjoying the sun
New style of meal
New style of meal
This time I'm just going to go through the pictures and videos in order as there isn't so much to go through. The day after the last blog Rosie was straight out onto her swing, and she's been swinging a lot on it and loving it; I'm so happy  she is having such fun with it. Continuing the theme She drew lots and lots of monsters on the patio with her chalks, this one was supposed to "scare me out of my head". On the Saturday we pulled the new boat out and Rosie and I got it inflated to check it out, just on the front lawn.  Later that day we saw a snake by the green building; the first we've seen on our land for a while. My foot was starting to hurt that day and the next day I was in agony, but had to drive with Rosie to a play date which was great fun I just wish I'd not been in such pain. She played with the little girl of my friend and we picked cherries and just had a great time. On Monday I went with Halil into town to see a doctor and ended up at the hospital with lots of tests and even more waiting around. Eventually I was diagnosed with gout, which blows my mind, but at least I had some medicine and it did work fast. I got to chill with Rosie on the patio in the sun (and Dutch got involved) which put a smile on my face that I didn't want to have before because of the pain. This has now caused me to change my diet, which puts more pressure on Angela which is really frustrating.
I decided I needed to weed this section
I decided I needed to weed this section
Looking very much better
Looking very much better
A storm in the distance
A storm in the distance
A hole in the clouds
A hole in the clouds
Playing a fun game
Playing a fun game
More sun bathing with Rosie and the puppies
More sun bathing with Rosie and the puppies
So much grass to mow
So much grass to mow
How is that even slightly comfortable
How is that even slightly comfortable
Onwards. I was off my feet for a few days and got so bored that one lunch time I went out and weeded one of the flower beds and got told off because the next day my foot was worse again. Silly me but I hate sitting around. Angela got to go spend an evening with our friend one night and I had lots of fun with Rosie. We were outside watching a storm come in, and marveling at the square hole in the clouds that appeared above us. Then we played some games and sunbathed. I also spent two entire days cutting the grass and almost bought myself a robot mower. I've noticed today that the tyre on my ride-on mower is totally flat so that's a bit annoying. I got to watch a very terrible film that evening and Xena fell asleep in a very unusual position.
A weevil in the garden
A weevil in the garden
A stunning rose in our garden
A stunning rose in our garden
Clearing more trees
Clearing more trees

Rosie's lovely Rose
Rosie's lovely Rose
The cutting is ALIVE!
The cutting is ALIVE!
Trying to grow an avocado seed
Trying to grow an avocado seed
Time for some garden and growing pictures. We have had to do lots of watering and I saw an interesting beetle, maybe a weevil, on a thistle leaf. It was there for a couple of days. The roses have been doing really well, so stunning! We had a power cut one of the days so I was unable to work; I went out into the garden and did some more digging out of trees. The power came back on just as I finished, thank goodness. That evening I got a grab a picture of Rosie's Rose, that I bought while collecting my mum for her visit. So beautiful! Finally inside the vine cutting that I've been watering now for weeks thinking that it was dead but not giving up, it has new growth on it and by now it has four or five big leaves! I'm so happy about it. My new diet brought some avocado for breakfast and Rosie and I have planted two of the stones to see if we can grow them.
Some of our wildlife
Some of our wildlife
Dutch hates being kept out
Dutch hates being kept out
More chilling in the sun with Xena
More chilling in the sun with Xena
A fun way to play with her swing
A fun way to play with her swing
Face painting fun in town
Face painting fun in town
In the park
In the park
Park exercise equipment
Park exercise equipment
About to get pushed into the pond
About to get pushed into the pond
In the middle of the pond
In the middle of the pond
Angela on the bank while we float around
Angela on the bank while we float around

Our tortoise visitor
Our tortoise visitor
We're getting close to today now. Last week I took a lovely walk with Rosie around the garden and saw lots of cool things including a hairy caterpillar in a tree. We also camped which was brilliant and the day I took the tent down Dutch lay glaring at me through the fence - he hates being excluded. More fun with Rosie, she was shouting to me to go and see her on the balcony after school one day and I went to find she'd climbed on the swinging chair with Xena. She's been having so much fun with her swing, though not always actually swinging on it. On Friday it was National Children's Day here so after school Angela took Rosie to the park and I went down and joined them and watched lots of dancing and show, Rosie get her face painted, then we went to the park and finally had some food in town before heading home. It was really nice. Yesterday we were up and out to take the boat to a pond. We went to our mountain village however when we got there we found lots of people fishing and decided to not disturb them so we ended up back at our home village on the pond up the hill that we normally walk to and it was just magical. Rosie loved it and so did I. When we got back here was a large tortoise by our gate.
Out before it got too hot to do our weeding
Out before it got too hot to do our weeding
I got this dug out over about 1.5 hours
I got this dug out over about 1.5 hours
Rosie's butterfly jar
Rosie's butterfly jar
Halil gets stuck in digging out trees
Halil gets stuck in digging out trees
Cutting down the dead tree
Cutting down the dead tree

A broken strap
A broken strap
It got up to 34 degrees
It got up to 34 degrees
Cutting branches with an axe
Cutting branches with an axe
Xena joined me in Thomas as I was pulling roots
Xena joined me in Thomas as I was pulling roots
We cleared loads in the two hours
We cleared loads in the two hours
And so we finally reach today. This morning before Rosie woke (she had an epic lay in) Angela and I both went into the garden and did a load of weeding which was really needed. I found a dead butterfly while I was weeding and Rosie was very sad so she took it inside and made a little garden for it in a bottle. Halil arrived at 10am and we went out into the garden and slaved for about two hours working together to remove trees by the side of the drive. It was very hot, and pretty hard work, but we got loads done and it was so satisfying. We ended up using Thomas to drag a load of the roots out rather than having to break our backs digging them out. Some were very strong and we broke our strap multiple times and in the end had to cut if off the tow bar as it was so tight from being pulled so hard.
The first storm blows towards us but misses us
The first storm blows towards us but misses us

Such a beautiful sunset this evening
Such a beautiful sunset this evening
After Halil went and I had some lunch I fell asleep on the sofa and woke to the sound of thunder. A huge storm was blowing in that I then enjoyed with Rosie on the balcony. Then a second storm blew over and this one hit us hard. There were two very very loud large bangs in particular where the lightning struck really close to us. Xena was so scared she ran and hid right under my bed for ages bless her. The storm lingered for quite a long time but did eventually blow past and the sunset was stunning as I sat down to start writing this. Now it's pitch black and this took me all evening!

So there it is. I think Halil will be back in a couple of weeks so I'll do another update then. Thanks for reading.

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