Monday, 6 October 2014

A pretty dull day

Wow today I only have eleven photographs in total and two of them are from last night of Ralf sleeping funnily on his bed. Yes, that is how dull today has been. But days like these can sometimes be wonderful and tomorrow is set to be more interesting so I'm not really complaining.

He lay like this for quite a while
He lay like this for quite a while
Last night we set ourselves on the sofa and watched "We were soldiers" which is an excellent film that always makes me cry and made A cry as well; it is so well made and really brings out just what hell war is. Ralf was doing his usual contortionism in his bed and giving us many laughs through the evening to counter the sad film. This was one of the best positions I have seen him get into ever since we got him, though.

Gorgeous morning that led to a really grey day
Gorgeous morning that led to a really grey day
And so it was to bed and I really struggled to sleep last night.  It was about 2am when I finally moved into the guest room and was able to doze on and off though I was disturbed even in there by people coming past in the early hours (Rambo and Ralf barked at them, I shouted to shut up, and was greeted from the lane by the passers by) and then again the boys barking at the cattle as they were let out in the morning. There was a lot of wildlife last night too with a particularly screeching owl very close and some other fascinating sounding birds squawking and singing through the night. When I woke up and went back through to my own bed it was about 7am and I dozed on and off until about 9. I am still shattered now and really hope I get a better night tonight. The sky when I did get up was lovely and worthy of a shot or two. Since then we have hardly seen the sun and it has been grey and cool all day.

More Bayram goodies
More Bayram goodies
My habit of spending the morning typing was broken today as my brain was fried. I basically sat and vegetated playing my computer game while I attempted to switch my thought processes on. A hung the washing out (normally my job) and then she set to doing her paid work. Other than paid work today I packed a bag full of most of the clothes I will be taking which is now stored by the back door. Around lunch time we were visited at the gate by the Little Lady who presented me with a tray with two different dishes on it. They were lovely (one Pork, one Lamb) but so greasy and fatty that even I couldn't finish them all. They have congealed on the side sadly but wow they were tasty.

Covered in dust and messy
Covered in dust and messy
Having packed one bag I set to doing the next task on my "before we leave" list. I have been aware that some of my whisky is being stored not upright and I really wanted to go through it all and rationalise to ensure that it is all stored in the best way. There is a chance I may need to cover this with hay before we leave anyway, to prevent freezing, and I also didn't know if additional boxes would be needed to store it all. After shifting everything around I found that I didn't need more boxes and every bottle is now safe and upright correctly.

Wood cutting station
Wood cutting station
The only other thing of note that I have achieved today is to cut a load more wood for the petchka; we are going through it quite fast (though we have loads so aren't at risk of running out this year) so I chopped more logs and planks and stacked them up. I was going to go and collect more wood off the back bank for the burning but it started drizzling and anyway I'm tired.

So there you have it. Dinner (leek and tatty soup again - smells lovely and is just about to be served up) is coming and then I think I will go to bed. What a day. Tomorrow should be more involving.

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