Tuesday 14 October 2014

Final market day

Ahhh it is that time on this blog again when the "for the last time" label is used over and over again. Another one today. It has been another absolutely gorgeous day and I think I have said "ahh, this is the life" or "it's a hard life isn't it" four or five times through the day.

Misty tree this morning
Misty tree this morning
We slept really well last night, after watching "The Way Back" which is a long film but really good. When the alarm went off, however, I had just woken up thinking it was still the middle of the night and was about to roll over to go back to sleep when the phone started bleeping and then so did I. We snoozed, twice, then just stayed in bed a bit longer but eventually we had to leave bed so I made a brew and got the washing up done while A put food out for Rambo then headed to get the men. It was such a misty morning but I still took the washing to hang out and when I got out there I saw an arty farty shot so here it is.

Hanging out in hope
Hanging out in hope
There was quite a lot of washing and it was really quite cold and damp as I was out there so I was really hoping the weather would follow the pattern established over the past few days; the mist burns off about 11 and then it is absolutely gorgeous again. As I was about to go back in I decided, in case the first tree photograph didn't come out, to get one showing just how dark and misty it was at this time. They both came out so you get to see both pictures

Putting another skim on the roof terrace
Putting another skim on the roof terrace
Today is the last Tuesday we are here this year and so it is the last chance we had to get to go to it. As soon as A got back we drank the brews I had made and then got out the door. I had a quick chat with Berkir on the way and he explained that the "big man" in his village had needed them to do work on a building yesterday and sorry. No matter, I thought that was the case. We made it to the market nice and early and had a lovely wander around, where I bought myself some new tracksuit bottoms (the ones I was wearing were food-stained and I only noticed when I was walking away from breakfast of Banichka and Ayran (though A didn't have any of that sadly). We also picked up various gifts for people back in the UK. From there it was off to the main town for a bank visit (heralded into the branch by the small security guard telling the big one with the bullet proof vest "that's the Englishman!") and then to a lev shop for another couple of gifts. All in the entire thing took about an hour which is my kind of shopping trip, and A's too. When we got back I went up to see the men and found Sally at work with the cement again, putting another skim on the roof terrace.

Wood for burning waiting to be taken inside
Wood for burning waiting to be taken inside
Among other things achieved today I completed the task of shifting all the bad wood inside which we are saving for burning. This involved throwing wood down then lifting it up then stacking it inside then throwing more down and lifting it up and stacking it. I even went onto the big stack which the digger machine is going to shift later in the week and salvaged the last few good beams and planks, and a load more good burnable wood. It may be that tomorrow I do some more burnable wood (there is a lot still in that pile) but we have a really good stash inside now.

Bekir making the chimney watertight
Bekir making the chimney watertight
While I was working away on the wood Bekir was focusing on finishing the chimneys off. This involved cutting metal salvaged from the old guttering to size and then bending it into shape and finally fixing it as a waterproofing layer below the tiles. He was at this almost all day, finishing the first and then setting herself to do the second. I think they aren't going to even attempt the third chimney which is really good as I didn't want them to.

Random tobacco plant
Random tobacco plant
Tiny white flowers on this bush
Tiny white flowers on this bush
One other thing I enjoyed while shifting the wood was seeing all the plants that have grown up on the dug over ground around the drainage. Over the last couple of weeks some tobacco plants have started appearing and they have really shot up recently. I knocked one over with a badly thrown piece of wood but we still have a few there. Also, not far from this, there is a shrubby bush with lovely white flowers on it.

I think s/he was looking for a place to hibernate
I think s/he was looking for a place to hibernate
I was just making a brew and glanced out of the back windows, as we do a lot just checking to see if Ralf is there, and I saw something moving. I could immediately see that it was a tortoise so I shouted to A and we legged it up to see. It was walking along the fence line and seemed to be trying to get out which is a shame as there is no way out all along this stretch. I grabbed my camera and went back up and it had its foot on the fence. I didn't disturb it however and decided to let it do whatever it wanted; there are loads of places for it to hibernate on our land and from Saturday it will be completely left alone til spring so that is ideal.

Tiles sold, and new cement delivered
Tiles sold, and new cement delivered
Just after lunch (cheese and tomato butties which were lovely, but then I rushed and they sat a bit heavy) I had to go to the builders merchant with Bekir for ten more bags of cement and a few other bits and pieces. It didn't take that long, despite the carpark being full and them being super busy, and we were back up and home quickly. A bit after this I had to put Rambo away as one of Bekir's friends had arrived to look at the old tiles. Good news in that he decided to buy the good ones off me and today he took 300 and will be back for 200 more tomorrow. It turns out this guy owns the really lovely house with the awesome garden in the valley and Bekir told him how much I liked it so that was a nice moment.

Taken while laid on my back in the sun
Taken while laid on my back in the sun
After more working and other things I persuaded A that we should go and enjoy the absolutely gorgeous weather outside so we went and sat then lay on the grass, without a blanket, down under the huge oak tree on the front lawn. It was amazing to be laying there soaking up the heat and realise it is mid October. What a wonderful last couple of days we are having and I only hope it stays like this for Thursday when my mates arrive.

Old looking mushroom on the front lawn
Old looking mushroom on the front lawn
As we were heading back up towards the house we saw a different looking mushroom so I stopped to snap a picture. This looks quite old and dried out however something has taken a big chunk out of it. Does anyone know what this could be? There are so many mushrooms around at the moment (as you saw from my "hunting for Ralf" post) it would be great to know more about them.

Okhtay mixing cement
Okhtay mixing cement
The amount of cement being used on that roof terrace is quite amazing and Okhtay, the younger of the two new workers, was hard at it mixing a new batch to be lifted up to the roof. He laughed a lot as I snapped a quick picture of him mid flow; I think me and my camera is quite an amusement for the men.

Excellent vegetable patch
Excellent vegetable patch
From there we went into the vegetable garden to see how things are going and wow, what a lot of growth. The beetroots are rampant, the turnips and radishes are swelling and the broccoli and cabbage are getting huge. I reckon we will get some good eating from almost all of these, apart from maybe the broccoli which hasn't yet put forth any sprouts.

Sally and his awesome smile
Sally and his awesome smile
We went inside, with me taking one more snap of Sally as he grinned away next to the pulley, and then the afternoon went on. We sat on the balcony in the sun, laughing at Rambo as he failed to catch any frogs again in his pond. It was so lovely and warm and relaxing to sit there and natter and enjoy the scenery again. We're really going to miss this place.

So this evening has also come and gone, with a lovely meal of pork strip and roast bacon with potatoes and cabbage and it was divine, a very funny episode of Father Ted, and then a bit of a difficult conversatoin which is hopefully not going to continue after tonight. I'm going to sip the last of my half of beer and then get to bed soon I think. Night.

1 comment:

  1. the white flower "bush" is solanum nigra
    produces small fruits that when ripe can be cooked and added to jams
    they have a very nice scent too. Traditionally leaves are eaten. Sold in some island markets in greece. (I would not eat them)
    do not eat raw and unripe because as many plants of the same genus (tomatoes, alkekengi etc) contain toxins
