Tuesday 7 October 2014

Terrible day

I am not going to beat around the bush... today is a terrible day.

Ralf has gone missing.

He was his usual self last night dozing while we watched a film and then chatted afterwards and then went down to bed fine. When I went onto the balcony to get my usual fresh air he came legging it around to below where I was standing then ran back towards the front door. I also heard him about 6 or 7am when I went down to the toilet as he was outside the window and did a gentle "wuff" at me. But when A went down to let him in he was no where to be seen. I went out and looked around the land and then outside up the mountain and down the lane but no sight nor sign of him. Nothing. I asked the Little Lady if she had seen him but nothing and Usmivka was just heading to the market and he said he would ask around too.

What a horrible start to the day.

We spent a good while hunting obviously but after a while you realise that you could spend weeks looking what with how rugged the land is around here. Reluctantly we came back inside and I drank my cold cup of tea which I hadn't had time to touch before the departure was discovered.

We have wracked our brains as to how or why he could have disappeared. One idea was he escaped and was chased by dogs or something and is now lost, the other is that a bird of prey has had him or maybe he got down to the new road and a car hit him. It really is not like his character to disappear and certainly not to miss meal times. Rather than sit around worrying all day we kept our appointments (which I will write about in a minute) but when we got back feeling very hopeful there was still no sign of him and the Little Lady came over to say she had been all around, asked everyone, and no sign. Bless her she looked really sad.

Woodpecker on a tree
Woodpecker on a tree
Anyway, on to the rest of the blog though I don't really feel like typing much. First of all a mention to wildlife. While I was running down the lane looking for Ralf a Golden Oriole flew across in front of me and landed in a tree in the meadow. This is something I've wanted to see all this year however all I could think was that I wasn't in the mood for enjoying it. A bit later, when we came back in and had some toast, I saw a woodpecker sat on the tree between us and the Little Lady. I got some pictures through the glass before calling A but when I opened the window it had shifted round to the other side of the tree. She stood watching longer than me and I think got some better pictures when it flew to a different branch but you'll have to wait for her blog to see them.

Market day in the square
Market day in the square
As I have said we decided not to cancel our plans for today as we had been looking forward to them so much; we were meeting S and S in town for the market and then going to my friend's house for lunch. We headed down, me managing not to crash while looking everywhere but the road for a sign of Ralf, and we saw S and S driving past as we were heading towards the market. This gave us time to head up to look for some vehicle stands on the hardware stall but there were none however I did get myself a flat cap after my mother expressed how much she liked me posing in Cjc's. Then we waited for our friends sat watching the world go by. When they caught us up we had a nice time actually strolling around and bought a few things. The market was super busy as it is Bayram and also most Turks are going to be heading back there for winter after this one.

Reversing the lorry and passing the pipe over the top
Reversing the lorry and passing the pipe over the top
After spending a nice time strolling we headed back to the cars and they followed me to my friend's. They had never been before. On the way we were delayed by a large truck which was reversing out of a driveway; quite a simple task you would have thought until you realise that the builders had laid the pipes they are installing on the ground behind where the truck was parked. There followed an amusing period of time where the workmen lifted the pipe and the truck reversed underneath it. Classic. We stopped at the shop for a few things then made our way on and arrived an hour early but just sat outside while food was still cooking. Said meal was outstanding and as I sit typing this I am still full from it. Such good grub. Myself and A didn't stay long after eating as we wanted to get back in case Ralf had returned so we left just as the Grand Tour was about to commence.

Tiny little shrew or vole
Tiny little shrew or vole
When we got back and there was no sign of Ralf and the Little Lady had come over and told us that her searching had also proven fruitless to say we were feeling really down would be an understatement. We went to Room 13 and I for one just sat staring at nothing and not knowing what to do with myself. It is amazing how quiet the place is without that little fella as even when he was asleep we'd look at him and laugh at the positions he would get into. After a few minutes I decided that this was silly and moping wouldn't help so I suggested we go and tidy the patio and that area which had lots of piles of bricks everywhere, plastic sheets and the ties from the tiles which were starting to blow around. While we were moving the waterproofing from the hardboard A kept jumping when little critters ran away and then one went into a brick so we picked the brick up and managed to get some photographs of it. It was TINY and so fast! As soon as we'd taken the pics we put the brick back down and walked away and ten minutes later it had disappeared.

Loads of straps to burn
Loads of straps to burn
We carried on tidying and gathered together huge quantities of the plastic ties which we stashed in the burning drum, every time we walked up there somehow ending up spending a few minutes looking for the missing little chap.

Stunning later afternoon sky
Stunning later afternoon sky
The sky was looking gorgeous and doing my usual "trying to keep from getting down" I spent a bit of time admiring it while also feeling so dreadfully sad. The place is still beautiful and we can't do any more to find him than we have (maybe I'll print some posters but I don't think it would make a difference really :/) so we may as well not spoil the last few days here more than they will be spoiled purely by having no Ralf.

Watching the burn but not smiling
Watching the burn but not smiling
Having almost filled the drum with the plastic straps A brought the kitchen burning waste out and we sparked the fire going. As you can see from this the happiness was not great at this time. Rambo didn't seem to realise that anything was wrong and was acting perfectly normally.

Different stages of the burn
Different stages of the burn
The fire burned up really hot, then suddenly started smoking loads but after another few seconds this cleared and flames were shooting out the top. The drum we are using is starting to get a bit old and thin in places and you could see the flames quite clearly through the holes in the sides. I think next year we may need a new one.

Sun glowing behind the mountan
Sun glowing behind the mountan
After this burn was fully established we headed back and while A went upstairs I carried on shifting bricks from down by the new flower bed and got all of that clean and tidy. It felt good to just be doing the simple things of wheeling the barrow full of bricks and again my pattern of "don't wallow" worked. When I came back in A was on the balcony with a small wine so I brought the beer and the camera and joined her. It was a lovely evening and other than continually scanning for a waggy little tail it was lovely to sit up there and enjoy it quietly. Better than sitting in the quiet of Room 13 anyway.

I look happier than I feel
I look happier than I feel
A snapped a picture of me when I wasn't aware and it really captures just how unhappy I am, and she is, about this. It is just amazing how quiet the place is, I know I've sad this before but he was always there snoring or wanting to go out or being naughty and now he isn't and the place is a bit emptier for it. Such a terrible sad day.

He doesn't seem aware
He doesn't seem aware
Rambo was doing his rounds as usual but he kept going and standing near the enclosure; this made me think of the other day when we were doing the wood and Rambo was in his enclosure so Ralf went and sat near him next to the gate. This is why I do not think he would run away and not come back unless something was stopping him; he loves it here. Anyway, here is Rambo looking at us on the balcony.

Day over
Day over
And so the sun went down and I came in to start writing this as I didn't want to put it off. The fire is on now and we're sat quietly both in our thoughts, though A did just get to go out and take some pictures of the moon which is particularly stunning tonight. In other news I think Lucy may get sold on Thursday which is a spot of good news but does mean tomorrow I am going to have to take Thomas to the garage so we are not without a vehicle for men collection after Thursday.

I have no idea what will happen now with the evening; I want to take a torch and go searching but that is silly.

EDIT - while going through the process of publishing this (adding the pictures etc) I thought I heard Ralf outside barking. A was in making the guest room back up and she came out into the corridor as I did. We grabbed the torch and ran to where Rambo was barking but could see nothing and there was no waggy little chappie outside the fence, despite spending a fair while shining the torch everywhere trying to see him. I doubt I'll sleep much tonight; every little noise will wake me up.


  1. highly unlikely that a bird of prey has taken your dog! They're opportunistic hunters and go for the old, young and lame - not a snapping snarling terrier. Most likely he's chased a rabbit and got himself lost. He'll be out there.

    1. Yes we worked this out when we looked at the migratory patterns of the birds which are large enough to take a dog.

  2. You need to put your social commitments on hold and get out there and look for him!

    1. I'm sorry but who are you to say something like this? Do you know the terrain around us to tell us how much we should or should not be searching? We live in mountains and gorges and forests and we have worked out that the area we could traverse is tiny compared to that which we can contact by communicating with our neighbours, and shouting and using the dog whistle.

      Please refrain from such unpleasant and unnecessary comments.
