Wednesday 4 January 2023

Not the greatest start to the New Year

It has been a very sick beginning to the year for all of us, sadly, and this means I'm late to start writing this update and actually as I begin I don't even know if I'll complete it all today. We start, however, before the virus caught us.
Leaning into the turn
Leaning into the turn

First of all a final picture, and a video, from Boxing Day of Rosie outside with her police car having loads of fun. She has driven it around a lot through the week between Christmas and New Year and loves it - such a successful purchase indeed.
A hazy sun
A hazy sun
Keeping the fish tank going
Keeping the fish tank going
Getting started on the stones for the day
Getting started on the stones for the day
Flying ants not ready to fly yet
Flying ants not ready to fly yet
Quite a big hole, but unused I think
Quite a big hole, but unused I think
Lots of progress, more to do though
Lots of progress, more to do though
Rosie just loves this game
Rosie just loves this game
Moon and evening clouds
Moon and evening clouds

Absolutely lovely goat curry
Absolutely lovely goat curry
The 27th dawned similarly to every day this past week, cold and foggy but with the sun trying to break through. I was planning on working on this day however we had some very odd issues with our power where we were getting very low voltage through, such that the lights were flickering, the kettle boiling would turn them off (if it even managed to boil) and my computer wouldn't stay on. It got so bad we called the electricity board and also Bekir; Bekir turned up (but just as he did, the power returned) but the electricity engineers never showed up. Typical. Anyway instead of working on my computer I got outside and did some more clearing of stones down by the entrance, in the process uncovering some flying ants a bit early for them (they all went deeper very quickly) and also a large burrow that looks abandoned but was very interesting. Inside Angela was working hard on my favourite meal of the year - the Goat Curry from Christmas leavings and she cleaned off the bones from the goat leg and gave them to the puppies who had a great time! When I came inside I pulled out the bagatelle game again and played with Rosie and she loved it again. It was a lovely day indeed and the curry was superb as always.
Rosie getting her old paints wet again
Rosie getting her old paints wet again
More fun with sticklebricks
More fun with sticklebricks
On the 28th I did my half day work in the morning and spent the afternoon playing with Rosie doing painting and having fun with her toys from Christmas. I don't have many pictures, I was too busy having a good day.
Ready to play Sorry! (and win!)
Ready to play Sorry! (and win!)
The Guessing Game
The Guessing Game
Rosie's temporary race track
Rosie's temporary race track
Heading out for another awesome walk
Heading out for another awesome walk
Playing the bean bag throwing game
Playing the bean bag throwing game
Rosie eating dinner out
Rosie eating dinner out
Balancing on the bar
Balancing on the bar
By return on the 29th I took Rosie all day and had a great time. Before Angela went for some well deserved time in the art room we all had a great game of Sorry! that Rosie won fair and square, which was great fun. After that I stayed playing games with her for a bit and then we went onto the patio again with her little police car but this time I laid out some plant pots into a track for her to drive around and she loved it! After this we put Thelma and Xena onto leads (while Louise went to see Angela) and went for a really nice walk up to the headland again. Then it was back home for more games. It really was an epic day and then in the evening we headed out for dinner to our favourite restaurant and Rosie had lots of fun in the play area.

Well that was as far as I got yesterday evening before I headed to bed so let's pick this up again now...
Daddy and Rosie cuddles
Daddy and Rosie cuddles
Xena hot after a crow
Xena hot after a crow

Mummy and Rosie having a race
Mummy and Rosie having a race
Drawing all over her balloon
Drawing all over her balloon
The 30th was when I started to feel sick and I went downhill quite quickly to be honest. It started off well with a cuddle with Rosie in the morning before Angela was up and then the girls went out shopping while I did another half day of work. I was sat out in the sun when they returned around lunch time and was being entertained by two very young crows who were super friendly (though Xena did not like them at all and was chasing them so hard I had to send her inside). Fortunately they came back when Rosie was home and she was able to watch them hopping all around her feet. Brilliant. In the afternoon we built another race track but this time got Rosie's remote control car out and she raced her police car against Angela driving the remote controlled car. Once the sun went down we were back inside and Rosie did some art, including drawing on the balloon she had been given at the restaurant the day before by one of the waiters.
Rosie in her lovely white outfit
Rosie in her lovely white outfit
Xena giving me a cuddle
Xena giving me a cuddle

New Year's Eve I was feeling very rough; I came down the stairs and said good morning and found that I had basically lost my voice completely and that set the day up. I helped Rosie get dressed into a lovely outfit from her wardrobe which she wore all day and managed to stain with juice - typical. Never mind. For my part I was useless all day and getting worse and worse by the minute. I sat around or slept all day, watched Rosie play a bit with her car, but was in bed by 5pm without even eating any dinner. We had to cancel our regular visit to the neighbours which was a huge shame but I did wake around midnight and get a video of the fireworks including some of those from next door. I was back to bed and asleep again quickly though.
The sun rises on a new year
The sun rises on a new year
Xena from a year ago
Xena from a year ago
Xena now!
Xena now!
Yeah I wasn't feeling my best
Yeah I wasn't feeling my best
And so to New Year's Day which was probably my worst day as I was aching, shivering, had a very high temperature and was in bed a very large percentage of it. I was awake early, having had a disturbed night, but then back to bed again. I was pleased that I remembered to get Angela to attempt to recreate one of our first pictures of Xena from last New Year's Day when she was first found hiding in our wood shed. She's just a bit bigger now huh. The last picture is me sat next to the fire wearing multiple layers including my outside coat and a hat, and I was still shivering so badly my teeth were chattering. Crazy.
Sorting and breaking up firewood
Sorting and breaking up firewood
Working on more distribution boxes
Working on more distribution boxes
Shifting old roof tiles
Shifting old roof tiles
Rosie feeds the ducks and chickens
Rosie feeds the ducks and chickens
We have a light fitting
We have a light fitting
Stones get removed from the soil
Stones get removed from the soil
Sat on the tree house enjoying the view
Sat on the tree house enjoying the view
Halil takes his firewood and heads home
Halil takes his firewood and heads home
On Monday the workmen were back but also I was finally on the mend however now Angela was down very sick and she actually slept the entire day which is totally unheard of. I spent the day with Rosie while the men got on with their tasks. Halil was back outside first of all making up some bundles of sticks from the wood he's taking and then he moved all the roof tiles and old floor tiles over into a neat stack next to the green building. Bekir meanwhile was working away in the roof on the electrics, getting everything connected up and fitting the lights and switches for the storage area. Rosie helped me to feed the birds as well during the morning. After lunch I let Rosie watch some films while I dozed on my chair as I was still feeling quite rubbish and then we headed outside for the last of the sun. Halil was, by now, sifting out the small stones from the plant bed next to the new path and was doing a great job. Rosie and I headed up and sat on the tree house for a lovely little while before playing some very slow hide and seek. At the end of the day Halil carried his two bails of firewood away and I made beans on toast for us, of which Rosie ate twice as much as I could. Crazy.
Rosie has a Xena cuddle before school
Rosie has a Xena cuddle before school
Bekir looking at our broken grinder
Bekir looking at our broken grinder
We are above the clouds
We are above the clouds
More ducting for the lights
More ducting for the lights
Halil sifts out more stones
Halil sifts out more stones
Lights in our storage area
Lights in our storage area
Gathering together more firewood
Gathering together more firewood
And so I reach yesterday. Rosie was heading back to school after her holiday and having (apparently) amazingly dodged this illness. Angela was still very very ill yesterday but she made it downstairs to wave Rosie to school. When I got back from dropping her the men were in and I made it clear to them that, as Halil was also recovering from the same illness and Bekir starting to cough as well, I expected them to take it easy. Fortunately the sun came out and it was another warm day and I was able to do half a day as I was also back to my work today but I only did manage the half day. The men were doing basically the same as they day before, with Halil very slowly carrying sand upstairs so they could mix the cement up there for the next floor section while Bekir finished the electrics and now we have operating lights in underneath the eaves. Halil also readied more firewood to take home with him.

I am going to leave it there; I may do another update this evening or I may do today and tomorrow in an update tomorrow but I'm finally recovering and so should be getting back to speed. Thanks for reading this epic update.

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