Friday 7 April 2023

We went to the circus

The men haven't been back since the last update however last night we all went to the circus so I thought I'd do an update just of the trip to the circus, with lots and lots of videos I took. Enjoy

Queueing up before the show
Queueing up before the show
In our seats waiting for the show to start
In our seats waiting for the show to start
A flying unicorn horse
A flying unicorn horse
Horse and pony show
Horse and pony show
Rosie on the pony going for a ride
Rosie on the pony going for a ride
Performing cats
Performing cats
Stroking the bunny rabbit from the magic show
Stroking the bunny rabbit from the magic show
A face full of feathers
A face full of feathers
An old fox
An old fox
Performing horse saying hi to the kids
Performing horse saying hi to the kids
Rosie touches the four meter long python
Rosie touches the four meter long python

First up a batch of photographs, then the videos below. We got to the ticket office about half an hour before it was due to start and managed to snag one of the last tickets for the little booths by the side of the arena which was a relief; it was cold enough in the tent however they put a blower on which took the chill off at least a little. I obviously could only take photos or videos so none of these is particularly in any order as such. I do know that the first thing to come out was the girl riding a horse dressed up to look like a flying unicorn. Rosie was entranced from the beginning. The horses put on another appearance as well and then it was the half time break and Rosie got to ride the pony around the arena like last time. After that there were performing cats, which were great, and a load more awesomeness that you can see in the videos below before the animal parade including a rabbit (which was part of the magic show) a peacock (which slapped Rosie across the face with its tail feather) an 18 year old fox and a performing and dancing horse. Rosie was most impressed with the four meter long python and she definitely got a good stroke of it as it went past.

And now for all the videos :) Enjoy!

I told you there were a lot. Thanks for reading, hopefully back to regular updates soon.

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