Tuesday 3 October 2023

Men out and back again

I remembered to update on the day! Wahey! Today has been a day of two halves and hardly seeing the men.

Empty bucket ready for brambles
Empty bucket ready for brambles
Totally over-full bucket of brambles
Totally over-full bucket of brambles
Filling in a hole from the wood store into the enclosure
Filling in a hole from the wood store into the enclosure
Hopefully enough to keep critters out
Hopefully enough to keep critters out

I took Rosie to school this morning then when I came back I grabbed the pickaxe and a bucket and went into the chicken enclosure and dug out all the brambles that were starting to come back since my last blitz. I got this completed before the men arrived. When they did arrive they headed straight out with Thomas to go and try and buy cement and a new reservoir for the roof space. Unfortunately my phone was turned off so when Halil was trying to contact me about one they found I didn't see the message until they were already back here, without a reservoir. Ahh well, I told them to head back out after lunch and they got stuck into filling in the gaps in the chicken house wall, and also blocked the final little gap next to the back gate.

1000L water tank successfully sourced
1000L water tank successfully sourced
Knocking out dead plaster into a bucket
Knocking out dead plaster into a bucket
Wetting the hole down ready for repairs
Wetting the hole down ready for repairs
All nicely filled
All nicely filled

After lunch the men disappeared again and were gone for ages but by the time I got home from collecting Rosie they had just arrived back with a huge reservoir. The men got it manouvered into the roof however it's too big to set next to the existing one so now tomorrow they'll empty and remove the old one and then fit the new one. To fill up the end of the day I asked Bekir to have a quick look at some loose plaster I'd spotted in the games room and before I knew it they were up the ladder, had knocked it out and found it was quite a big hole that would have caused a huge problem if we'd left it. By the end of the day this hole has now been fixed. Great work.

Rosie watering her plants
Rosie watering her plants

Before dinner Rosie made a bracelet for her teacher at school, having given them a necklace today. After dinner we did our watering and Rosie watered her plants like a good girl. She also got her scooter and bikes out for a ride.

So there you go - that's today. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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