Monday, 23 June 2014

Sunny day

Today is going to be a really short blog. I am going to make sure it is. Lots of pictures, few words, and done. Just not in the mood for typing, wanna go out and enjoy the evening.

Looking through the bedroom windows
Looking through the bedroom windows
The morning dawned misty again however I had left the camera on charge so I couldn't take my standard photograph from outside. This was a good thing as I was able to come inside and snap a creative shot through the bedroom balcony doors showing how lovely it'll be when I finally get to move in there.

An implied warning
An implied warning
Once again I was feeding the boys together and I did so successfully again. After Ralf had wolfed his portion down he did his patrolling thing again and you can see here that Rambo is obviously highly aware of his presence. Ralf didn't risk the wrath of Rambo and stayed away until he had gone, snaffling two biscuits that Rambo had not noticed had got spilled.

Spiders web
Spiders web
After feeding them I did the rounds with the watering can (I had filled both cans up before going over with the food, which was a good choice as I had to walk less far. Yes, I am that lazy. The dew was heavy this morning and there were so many spiders webs all over the top field.

New growth on the silver birch
New growth on the silver birch
One good thing on the rounds was to see just how well that silver birch down by the gate, which was very dead looking after I put it in the ground, is now doing. Where there were bare branches there is now plenty of green growth and I think I can safely say (crossing my fingers) that it will now be fine and has survived the experience of being transplanted.

A cheren put no more
A cheren put no more
My main task of the morning was to go and see the window people about fitting the internal window, and maybe a load more in the flat roof area. This I did and was hugged by the man at the window place, before being put onto his daughter in law (I think) on the phone who speaks English. The outcome is they will be out tomorrow or Wednesday to confirm what is needed. The new road is really looking very good and this amused me a lot; most people don't get to 40kmh on this road ever.

While I was out I went into town to get a new scythe blade and was helped by one of the guys who recognises me in that shop now. I got a hammer and something to use as an anvil as well as a small sickle for the tighter spaces I have been struggling with. I then went to Kaufland (harassed by a gypsy in the carpark for 50 stotinki - not a chance) and then on to Lidl where I picked up some chili plants for next to nothing but their leaves dropped off on the way home so I'll be struggling to save them I think.

When I got home it was time for some paid work and that was completed quickly and while I waited for a reply I spent some time with the boys. They are being very good together now other than when Rambo treads on Ralf because he doesn't see him.

Lunch was some of the new cheese, with my home made pickle (very nice) and then I found the water was off so I had to fill the kettle from the outside standpipe. This water is off and on very intermittently at the moment; it was off for a few hours yesterday as well.

Lovely lunchtime
Lovely lunchtime
I pulled the swinging chair into the middle of the patio after lunch and took myself down there with my new book. It was lovely, in the shade but still warm and there was a bit of a breeze every now and then which kept me cool.

Ralf and Leonard
Ralf and Leonard
The number of times during the afternoon that I attempted to get a picture of Ralf and Rambo together chilling out I don't know but every time I moved to get the camera Rambo would jump up and the tableaux would be spoiled. You can see him bottom left corner of this pic where he has run, panting like a steam train, round and so nearly got in the way of the photograph of Ralf asleep.

Will you play with me.. will you play with me.. will you..
Will you play with me.. will you play with me.. will you..
At one point Rambo did come running over while Ralf was asleep on the floor next to the chair and he stood right on him; I thought there was going to be a fight then but I managed to calm them both down quite quickly I wasn't on the chair for the whole afternoon; I split the day up with periods of time inside doing paid work but the time on the chair was lovely.

Military transport flying over
Military transport flying over
One of the times  I was up working away the sounds of the military aircraft became too enticing and I got the zoom lens and went onto the balcony to have a look. Flying right over head was the military transport that T had told me he had seen the previous day. I tried to snap a picture but the autofocus wouldn't work and even manual couldn't get a tight shot but eventually one came out. It flew around a bit, and in the far distance there were definitely jets doing manouvres of some kind. A bit concerning, considering the times we are living in. Syria isn't THAT far away from here.

Sassy sat at her door
Sassy sat at her door
Another time I came up the stairs Sassy was sat at her door so I snapped a quick picture. I have spent a bit of time with her today, what with having to chase the birds out of her room and also just wanting to generally. She is balding again a bit, but I've upped her ration of hay so hopefully that will control. I also need to get in there with the brush again, and I also need to sort her cage onto a stable base. So many jobs to do.

Neighbours taking tea tree stuff
Neighbours taking tea tree stuff
The last time I went onto the chair the sun had swung round and it was shining on my body over my shoulder which was great as my head was still in the shade. I took my shirt off and loved every second. When I was just thinking about getting up and going inside the boys rushed over to the fence and there was the Little Lady with her grandson on her back, and her granddaughter by her side. She had brought me two hens eggs and two ducks eggs earlier and asked about the blossom on my tea trees. I had said she was fine to take what she could reach and she did a good job. When she left she talked about coming back with a ladder. I'm not so keen on this. I seriously love the smell of the blossom, and also the bees are having a great time harvesting so I wouldn't want to disrupt it too much.

Sunset through bird netting
Sunset through bird netting
All day I have been fighting with the swallows again as they have, after a few weeks off, decided that they absolutely HAVE to build the nest at the top of the stairs. I have taken the brush to it many times today knocking mud off the wall and chasing them out with a flung shoe or two so I decided to get the bird netting brought over by S and S and put it over one of the windows, to see how efficacious it was. If it is still holding tomorrow I will seal the whole place, and knock the other nests down, as once again I have had enough. I don't mind but they poo EVERYWHERE.

Lovely shots of the sunset
Lovely shots of the sunset
Dinner was my favourite pork belly spicy pasta and I made slightly less today as I knew I would be eating the lot. I did eat the lot. I then decided to not blog but looking at the pictures made me really want to and this has taken less than an hour so that is a good thing. The sun set was, once again, marvellous and reveals just how clear today has been, with barely a cloud in sight all day.

I am really hopeful that I will hear from Bekir about working tomorrow. I rang him today, accidentally shortly after my friend had, and he has promised to ring her tomorrow after he has spoken to Sally. I need to get this roof started and I will go with someone else if they don't come through soon. I am also expecting the window people to arrive and finally S and S are coming over in the evening so tomorrow will be a good one. I need to turn the hay, put the new blade on the scythe and regrind it, and repel the little lady from denuding my tree. It'll be a good one.


Food food food food food food food
Food food food food food food food
While on the phone just now I edited together the four photographs I took of Ralf looking for food after he had scarfed all of his from his bowl. All of these pictures were shot one after the other over a few seconds and they really show just how fast he is moving and how desperately he is searching. Bless his little hungry tummy.


  1. Ooh, so that's a REALLY SHORT post!

    Re: the lipa tree (Tilia, no idea why you call it tea tree - it's not related to the actual tea plant, or is the only tree to provide material for a herbal infusion). Let the lady get as much as she wants.

    The tree is huge and no way she'll disturb it in any way, unless she starts braking branches, which I doubt. Also, tilia has a very short bloom period, so in 10 days there won't be a trace left of the flowers or the polinators or the scent. If you're not using the flowers, why let them all go to waste? The little lady will thank you and her gifts will continue to provide you with a much more healthy food options, compared to all those fake mayo and bacon surrogate and white bread "butties".

    1. Hey, thanks for the information; I wasn't aware that they wouldn't last that long; s'just I was hoping to keep the lovely smell for another ten days or so because I have a visitor coming.

      I call them "tea trees" because the Little Lady keeps telling me I can make tea out of it.

  2. I agree about letting your neighbour have the blossom. She's probably been doing that since before you were born. You have to try and lose the townie attitudes. Irrespective of Bulgaria, you have chosen to live in the countryside. People in the country help each other and share. It's how country life survives. "This is my land, keep off attitude" doesn't work - you need your neighbours. Don't use the land as a moat - as a defence against the world. The land is not yours - you're just looking after it for the next generation. Not having a go but you'll be much happier if you try to adapt.

    1. Thanks for your input however that is absolutely not what I was doing. I am generous with my land and the goodness and happily allow the Little Lady to take what I'm not using. So take a chill. Cheers.

  3. Kevin reminded me of another thing that I've notices. In numerous posts there's a reference to my school, my land, my plot, my dogs, my village, my road, my men, my tortoise, my town, etc... The fact that you posses some of them is clear, I believe.

    It could be just a language nuance thing, I dunno, but in Bulgarian those all those things would be addressed without the "my" part. The road, the men, etc. to make it sound less "propriety" (not sure of the proper word). Now sounds a bit off, as if you're describing the life in some feudal region and you're the lord :) Hat tip if it's intentional :D

    1. that's a language thing :) there are many men/roads/towns etc but these ones are the ones that are associated closely with me. In no way am I acting like some feudal lord :D:D it is merely to differentiate.
