Monday 28 July 2014

First day of Bayram

Hey everyone, well today is a national holiday for people of Turkish extraction, which includes Bekir and Sally and therefore I have no workmen for a Monday morning. I don't have them back until Thursday as it happens. So I am on holiday as well and that is, according to Wikipedia, what Bayram means - see here.

Such a heavy fog
Such a heavy fog
My early night last night was a success as I slept right through but woke at 6am and lay there grumbling to myself (and texting my oldest friend, who replied saying how much he enjoyed this blog so hey there fella) as I couldn't fall asleep and at about 7 I decided to give it one last go by pulling the covers right up over my head to muffle the sound of the sparrows which were whirring past the open window and door up to the roof, then back down again, and disturbing me. This worked and I woke, reluctantly, at about 8 and dragged myself finally out of bed. It was super misty when I first woke up, but by this time it had all burned off.

I brewed up and went straight for the feeding run and today it was super simple. They were barky again at the gate but quieted quicker and then Ralf didn't need any foot-provided encouragement to get into his corner and he waited while I went and put Rambo's bowl down, and while I put his and didn't run around barking and jumping like he has. He got lots of fusses from me as he was feeding and I hope this is the beginning of him really learning about feeding time and food not being his until it is given to him.

I returned to my desk to wait for my friend to arrive as we had arranged to head into town together today for a few bits and pieces. As I sat there the mist which had burned off while I was sleeping returned, and it really came in very fast indeed; it felt like I glanced away from the window for a minute and looked outside and the trees had disappeared. It didn't last long and by the time my friend arrived and we sat down for a brew and chat before heading off it had cleared again.

After said brew and chat I showed off where I have planted the vines (they were given to me by her) and then she drove and we headed into town. It was a good trip which resulted in 100% success, actually more than that as I bought some things I didn't think I'd find this trip. We returned, via Lidl where I bought stuff which I didn't mean to, and then as we were driving back to drop me off my friend exclaimed as pulled over to the side of the road as she had spotted a large flock of storks circling ahead. I sat in the car as she snapped pictures and then remembered I had my phone so I took some myself, and also the video above. I do wish I had my big camera and zoom, though. There would have been some excellent shots.

I was pretty hungry by the time I got back as I hadn't had breakfast before leaving this morning and our efforts to find a pizza place for some brunch had failed as they must all be Turkish owned. I put the heat on underneath the left overs of the pasta from last night then went and let the boys out. I didn't take the lead this time and got Ralf to follow closely behind back to the house. He's getting better. My pasta was lovely again however the seconds I stole last night were lacking today so I had a couple of slices of toast to fill the hole.

Ready for trimming to size
Ready for trimming to size
After munching through this I decided that my shopping trip was not enough to be able to feel like I'd achieved enough today and headed outside to the woodshed (a room in the green building, but woodshed sounds better I think) to select some to make the fence posts with. At first I pulled out two huge thick beams but when I put them down near the cutting tool I changed my mind and went and picked out six shorter chunks that I could trim to size, and were much thinner and more suitable.

Bent nail with the blank for depth guidance
Bent nail with the blank for depth guidance
It is easy to make a fence - you just fix the cross pieces to the posts. For me, however, who needs to be able to weed without a problem I was not able to just bash nails through and leave them so I started working out how to make little notches for the cross pieces to slot into. First of all I attempted using small sections of a broken chair but I bent two or three nails trying to attach it to the first fence post and gave up. I did, while looking for a suitable leg, find out where Rambo had been going for a poo inside so I rubbed his nose in it a little and told him off. Once again, though, even though he has done it in the wrong place, there were three or four different piles all together in the same place. He's not a bad dog, just doesn't know it is wrong as the floor is dusty. Anyway, with the bent nails I had an inspiration and got some large nails, using the failed attempt as a blank, and hammered and bent a nail into the correct shape. Success.

Bedded in with gravel and stones
Bedded in with gravel and stones
It did not take long for me to get a bent nail into each fence post, at the same distance from the top of the post, and then I was over to the gravel pile again with the wheelbarrow to fill it up as my plan was to fill the holes around the posts with gravel and sand and not use any concrete and see how this went. The first post went in really well, nice and upright and feeling quite stable though I think the horizontal isn't the issue; it is more how secure they are vertically when I pull the cross pieces out.

The first fence in place
The first fence in place
I cracked through the rest, then collected the cross pieces I had selected before and laid them across the nails. Wouldn't you know, it worked. I had to spend a bit of time hammering and pulling nails out of the cross pieces but this also worked out as I was also able to hammer down the soil and gravel around each post and make them a little more secure. As I said, they are a little vertically insecure so I think I may pour a small amount of concrete, to bind them a little bit. Either way I am really happy how this has worked out so I will progress to the other side and then see if Rambo stays off the beds or I need to surround them completely. It will be nice to get rid of the chairs which are protecting the flowers at the moment as well.

One funny thing that happened while I was out was the sheep dog attempted to sneak up the side track but Rambo saw it and it really did run very fast and look very scared. This is the one which is so brash and always tried to attack and be aggressive when I am out so it was great to see Rambo imposing himself so well and projecting his aura at the local dogs. I praised him a lot for this.

Clouds covering the sun
Clouds covering the sun
With this completed I headed inside to relax for the rest of this holiday day. I had a very nice short call from the UK and then put the cricket on to find that England are once again good at a sport. Which is nice. I have really enjoyed my afternoon just watching the cricket and chatting to my friend and other people online. With the way the sun travels I struggle in the afternoon sometimes with glare on the screen and today, with the temperature in this room getting up above 30 degrees for most of the day (and now, at nearly 8pm, it is only just dipping below 30 now), I again struggled. That was until the sun dipped behind a cloud and I took this opportunity to pop onto the roof and get some pictures. There was the briefest of showers around this time, one drop only landing on me, then five minutes later a few more descending, but it never really developed and now the whole sky is clear and it is a lovely evening.

A wood wasp
A wood wasp
While I was sat relaxing I had a visitor and not one that is usually welcome. One of the wood wasps that looks so scary but is actually really not an aggressive creature. I snapped a load of pictures, working with manual focus and other focus settings as a fun exercise and I am pretty happy with how this and a few others came out. I left this to fly around, not getting the RAID MAX out, and it has flown away to scrape some wood from elsewhere in the house. This reminds me that I was dodging wasps quite a lot earlier in the wood shed as I selected the wood for the posts. They are everywhere at the moment.

The minute he heard me light the hob.....
The minute he heard me light the hob.....
It was suddenly time for me to cook and I started the oil for my chips, did their first time in the fryer then let them rest while I started my sausages. It was really amusing that as I was first going over to start cooking Ralf was laid out on the landing (he is back on his lead after my discovery of his turd pile) and then he jumped up and ran in and spent the entirety of the rest of my cooking time sleeping right by the cooker. He is a chancer, I'll give him that. At one point I dropped a mouldy piece of potato on the floor and he pounced on it but he only picked it up so I took it off him, told him off, and have recycled it. He must learn that the only food he is allowed is that which I give him.

In the sun, chilling out
In the sun, chilling out
I did tease Ralf about this and he was very cute, rolling onto his back and allowing me to fuss him (and pull more burs off him) which is lovely. I do like this dog when he is obedient; I just wish he was so more. So I was going to ring my nan just now but the cricket is still on so I think I'll wait for that to finish; she will be watching it. I'm not going to publish this just yet as the sunset is going to be lovely tonight and I don't want to add that picture as an edit.

Gorgeous sunset again
Gorgeous sunset again
So it hasn't actually taken that long to get my sunset picture for the blog. I got LOADS of pictures and they are pretty much all stunning but this one, with the sun fully behind the cloud but spraying rays of light up down left and right. How gorgeous. It has been a while since I've enjoyed one as the clouds have been pretty thick in the evening recently. Just after that I took Ralf outside to relieve himself and again he was very obedient and came straight back inside,though he did dash towards the men's changing room to have a sniff around for food. I stopped him, suffice to say.

So tomorrow I am seeing no one apart from Lubo who is coming over with my project for me to review and sign, and to draw on the walls of the kitchen to show where we can knock through in that wall. Time to relax for the evening.

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