Monday 20 April 2020

Toilet electrics, and the sign

It's been a good weekend, and today has been a good day. I'm exhausted, however, so I'm going to try and get through this update as quickly as possible; being outside almost all day is very tiring indeed.

Beautiful sunrise on Saturday
Beautiful sunrise on Saturday
Rosie speaking to the birds
Rosie speaking to the birds
Climbing up the back part of the land to the bench
Climbing up the back part of the land to the bench
Awesome green hunstman spider
Awesome green hunstman spider
Breakfast for a Sunday morning
Breakfast for a Sunday morning
And she is off again
And she is off again
Black beetle pottering around
Black beetle pottering around
Saturday was a glorious day; we were up and outside pretty much as soon as Rosie was awake (I think I may have had a lay in though) and spent most of the day outside. She was talking to the birds and running around all day. I moved her swing set to a different part of the lawn and a green huntsman spider ran out of the grass onto the plastic; very cool but also concerning as they can give a nasty nip. Sunday was also lovely and I cooked breakfast for us before it was time for the off again with Rosie. She does love being outside! The wildlife for today was this beetle that was pottering around near where we were sat. All in all it was an excellent and wonderful weekend. Unfortunately our plans for a BBQ failed due to wind and overcast in the evenings.

Rosie greets the men as they arrive
Rosie greets the men as they arrive
Bekir finds the cable for the power
Bekir finds the cable for the power
The hole for the toilet will emerge here
The hole for the toilet will emerge here
Sad mummy and Rosie after the sting
Sad mummy and Rosie after the sting
Sally beginning to remove insulation
Sally beginning to remove insulation
The (very very heavy) metal sign
The (very very heavy) metal sign
The forecast had been for thunderstorms today however they did not happen which was good. We were sat outside when the men arrived and Rosie met them at the path. The task today was to start the actual fitting of the toilets and I was quite stressed about this process; they were not cheap and I do not want them to be done wrong. It turned out that today we didn't actually get to that step anyway. Bekir first of all found the location of the power line that goes to the chicken house and began splicing into it to get power for the toilets. Sally and Halil, meanwhile, went into the toilet and drilled out through for the vacuum line. It was around this time, as I was upstairs doing some video work, that I heard a ruckus and Rosie screaming and ran down to find that she had been stung on her finger; poor poppet. We extracted the sting and used TCP to clean the wound and then cuddled her loads while she calmed. She was a trooper and was happy again very quickly while the finger did not swell very much at all. One job we've had backed up for so long is the old School sign that Sally painted a few years back. Bekir was pretty much solo on the electrics for the toilet so I set Sally and Halil to trying to get this mounted, and also the lion mascot as well. The insulation there above the entrance was very thick so it took some working out for the fittings but Bekir and I went to the shop eventually and picked up a load of fixings while the other two carried on.

Rosie playing with her dump truck
Rosie playing with her dump truck
The spider and the bee
The spider and the bee
Covered in pollen, but caught
Covered in pollen, but caught
Beautiful flowers on the lawn
Beautiful flowers on the lawn
I didn't just come back with fixings on that trip, however. The toy shop was open and I'd seen an awesome dump truck outside that I wanted for Rosie so today, what with the sting, I decided to get it for her and she loves it; she has played with it a lot this afternoon. We also had another chance to observe a green huntsman spider - having never seen one before now this is twice in two days. This time I saw the bee before I saw the spider and it was only on looking much more closely that I managed to spot the spider. I actually feel quite sad to see this, but everything has to eat. There are loads of flowers coming out now; the lawn will need mowing again at the end of the week probably but for now I'm loving the flowers that are growing there.

Sally cleaning the second securing point
Sally cleaning the second securing point
Halil fixing in wood for brackets
Halil fixing in wood for brackets
Plaster over the top to finish
Plaster over the top to finish
Path for the power
Path for the power
Bekir working while Rosie watches on
Bekir working while Rosie watches on
Power plastered over as well
Power plastered over as well
To the men and Sally and Halil were doing well removing the insulation then securing wood in the gap to which they will be able to bolt the sign. It is hugely heavy, as I can attest as I was applying metal varnish today and had to pick it up on my own, so having very secure fixing points is a really good idea. They ended up by applying plaster over the top of the wood to weather proof and protect it; this should be ready to  be attached tomorrow. Bekir spent the day doing electrics which isn't his speediest task but he has embraced the safe way of doing things that we like; he even turned off the supply to do the splicing! He chased out a channel for the cable to the distribution unit in the sheds, and also put a line over so we can have lights by the wood shed which is brilliant. He then worked to fit the distribution unit and while he was doing that Sally plastered over the cables so tomorrow they can paint this and it'll be done. Rosie was, as always, fascinated and having been outside so much she was really involved in the work today.

Now the wind is up and the cloud is over and the forecast storms may hit so we may not have men tomorrow anyway but we shall see.

Thanks for reading.

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