Monday 22 November 2021

Busy weekend and more foundations

 As I sit here typing this up I am (as is traditional) pretty exhausted. The weekend was nonstop and then back to work today. It was a good weekend, however, so let's get to it.

Up before the sun
Up before the sun
Rosie drawing on her whiteboard
Rosie drawing on her whiteboard
Sun rises behind stripes of cloud
Sun rises behind stripes of cloud
Rosie working at a desk at the furniture shop
Rosie working at a desk at the furniture shop
Rosie rides on the trolley
Rosie rides on the trolley

I was up early on Saturday with Rosie deciding layins are for other people; we had a really nice start to the day with lots of art and reading and sticker books and then after breakfast (and Angela doing Rosie's hair) we headed out to town to get some furniture for the balcony and go to Lidl. Rosie helped by finding a desk to sit on and "work" but we were more successful in finding staff to actually help this time and came home with a nest of tables and a lovely unit for storage of balcony toys and games. Then we had a call with Grandma and my sister and a bit of TV time. It was a good day.

Peanut butter on toast
Peanut butter on toast
Rosie helps me assemble the furniture
Rosie helps me assemble the furniture
Goodbye sun
Goodbye sun
The unit is (nearly) assembled
The unit is (nearly) assembled

Sunday I was up again for Rosie as Angela didn't wake, but that's good as she really needed the rest. Rosie and I had breakfast and then after Angela was around I went to it with my chores. I shredded a load of cardboard and prepared a load more for shredding and also got out my new leaf rake to collected and bagged a load of leaves. Meanwhile Angela and Rosie took Thelma and Louise for a lovely long walk up to the echo pipe. After a nap Rosie helped me with putting together the new unit for the balcony and we got a fair way, though I was very tired and stopped when I couldn't get the doors hung right. It was a lovely time with her helping and playing.

Thick fog, and the sun appears
Thick fog, and the sun appears
The sun reached just above the mist
The sun reached just above the mist
A beautiful sunrise indeed
A beautiful sunrise indeed
And it is risen
And it is risen

First off a bunch of pictures from the sunrise this morning. This was so amazing to watch and I ran downstairs and dragged Rosie outside so she could see the beautiful colours. She even claimed to be impressed!

Men getting started on removing the wood
Men getting started on removing the wood
Shifting and lifting the shuttering
Shifting and lifting the shuttering
Taking apart the shuttering
Taking apart the shuttering
This is where the raised beds will be
This is where the raised beds will be
Finally more blocks are delivered
Finally more blocks are delivered
Half way to trench done
Half way to trench done
Getting very near the end
Getting very near the end

The men were in again this morning and first took down the wooden shuttering that had contained the foundations on Friday. This took some time but eventually they were ready to start the next step which was digging out the foundations for the actual raised beds. Angela was on hand to give directions and they spent the remainder of the day carefully digging out and measuring. At lunch time I am pretty sure that Bekir did some sealant on one of the water collection reservoirs that was leaking a bit (we have rain forecast for tomorrow apparently) and then early afternoon finally most of the missing blocks were delivered. We're still missing two pallets of blocks, all the chain link fence and the barbed wire, but at least we can make more progress. I think tomorrow will be another cement day.

So there you are; onwards and onwards and onwards. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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