Tuesday 9 November 2021

Tiling all but done

 Today has been super busy for me, and cold and windy outside.

A digger for Rosie
A digger for Rosie
Bekir midday working on the tiles
Bekir midday working on the tiles
Lovely cuddles from Thelma and Louise
Lovely cuddles from Thelma and Louise
Rosie playing with her new digger
Rosie playing with her new digger
Right towards the end of the day
Right towards the end of the day

On the way back from dropping Rosie to school (first day back since being unwell) Angela picked up a new thing for Rosie on that I bought second hand - a mechanical digger. She loves diggers and I was pretty sure she'd love this. The men were in and working in damp and cold and wind up on the roof terrace but they really are getting there now. As I say I was very busy and at the end of the work day I took a quick 20 minutes on my sofa cuddled up with the puppies then Rosie got back from school and it was time to see the new digger. She loved it but it was already too cold and dark to take it to the sandpit sadly. Upstairs the men were very nearly done on the tiling, only a few more little bits and then they will grout. and that should be this task completed.

Diggers across the valley
Diggers across the valley
Rosie bouncing very high
Rosie bouncing very high
Musical Rosie
Musical Rosie

Talking of diggers there have been quite a lot working on the new gas pipeline in the last few days, looking to bury it on the other side of the valley. Noisy but they're working fast. I also may very soon be the proud owner of a new digger, but we shall see what happens over the next couple of days. Rosie was having a lot of fun after school including bouncing VERY high on the trampoline, and asking to look at my guitars; she was playing away and so was I, the first time for many years.

And there it is; another day done. Cheers for reading.

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