Tuesday 16 November 2021

Getting started in the garden

Today has been cold and damp; thankless weather for working outside. Unfortunately the work remaining is pretty much all outside so that is that.

Finishing the trench for the water pipe
Finishing the trench for the water pipe
Pipe is in
Pipe is in
Fire for warmth and tidying up
Fire for warmth and tidying up
Running the plumb line
Running the plumb line
We needed about 20cm more space
We needed about 20cm more space
Bekir removing the old water pipe
Bekir removing the old water pipe
Cold and miserable day today
Cold and miserable day today

First thing Bekir and Halil dug a trench for the replacement water pipe and got it bedded in nicely and reburied so at least that isn't at risk from ice and frost any more. They also lit a small fire of rubbish both to tidy up and also to stay warm, probably. It was bitter first thing. The day did warm up a bit towards lunch time and the next task was to discuss with Angela (mainly) and I how the layout should be so they could start marking out and getting ready for the foundations. We have now got a final plan that looks good, gives good access to the raised beds and will look really nice; I'm very excited to see this part of the garden come together. They did have to move Rosie's flower bed but did it very carefully indeed so no damage done. Towards the end of the day they were uncovering the old water pipe and clearing up there; maybe tomorrow they'll start putting the wooden shutters in. It will be a bit warmer towards the end of the week I think, hopefully.

Funny Face Stones
Funny Face Stones
Rosie colouring in a ball
Rosie colouring in a ball

While out with the men I noticed the stones that Rosie and Angela had used chalk to draw faces on; after school I did a few of them with her, then played hide and seek then did some colouring in.

So there you are; another day done. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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