Monday 16 May 2022

Spring Storms return

Another weekend and another Monday done and it is time to catch this blog up to date.
Rosie on the trampoline first thing Saturday
Rosie on the trampoline first thing Saturday
Rosie painting
Rosie painting
Lovely panorama from the roof terrace
Lovely panorama from the roof terrace
We also played with the model railway
We also played with the model railway
Mummy and Rosie both enjoying the trampoline
Mummy and Rosie both enjoying the trampoline
A very bright moon on Sunday night
A very bright moon on Sunday night
The weekend was an awesome and tiring one. Saturday being Daddy Saturday I had a lovely time with Rosie while Angela got back to her art room finally. With some trampolining and drawing and painting and playing in her house and riding on her trike and going onto the roof terrace and also playing with the model railway it was a super busy start to the day. We then headed out to get a new car seat for Rosie to go into Angela's car and then headed back home to rest and recover. Sunday is Mummy day and they had an awesome and busy day as well, though the only picture I got was of Angela joining Rosie on the trampoline. On Saturday night there was a huge storm which woke me at 2am and banged and crashed around for quite a while but Sunday night was clearer with an amazing bright moon.
Cooler start and getting stuck in
Cooler start and getting stuck in
Clearing the trench up the side now
Clearing the trench up the side now
Shuttering done along the front
Shuttering done along the front
Making up more shuttering, in the shade
Making up more shuttering, in the shade
Loads of poppies
Loads of poppies
Angela gardening, with Xena "helping"
Angela gardening, with Xena "helping"
This morning Angela and Rosie were up early and out the door as it has suddenly reached time for Rosie to go up a school! Where is time going to!! It took two trips to town but Angela managed to get the registration done for Rosie at the new "big girl" pre-school! Very exciting! The men were on time and out in the cooler start to the day finishing off the front trench and shuttering. By the time I got down and out next Halil was on with clearing up the next trench going up the side and they had finished all the shuttering along the front, including the step. The sun burned through shortly after and it was very hot and they were happy to be assembling more wooden structures in the shade of the green building. Just before lunch time I popped out to get a picture of the huge number of poppies growing in the fenced garden and found Angela tending to her garden. It's looking so awesome now!
This storm missed us, but made lots of noise
This storm missed us, but made lots of noise
Securing the wooden shutters in place
Securing the wooden shutters in place
Struggling to remove this upright
Struggling to remove this upright
Removing the last fence post on this side
Removing the last fence post on this side
Xena chewing up a chunk of wood
Xena chewing up a chunk of wood
In the afternoon some storms started building around again and there was a lot of very threatening rumbles however the first few skirted us without even dropping any rain. The men were still working away on running the wooden shutters up the trench and then they focused on removing the old fence posts which turned out to be quite a task as they were so well fitted from last time. I can remember them putting these in before we had the big breaker using just the crowbar to dig. They did such a good job! Xena and Thelma were playing with a log chasing it and chewing it while I was spending a few minutes watching. Just after the workmen left, and when Rosie was home, a huge storm suddenly hit with hail and thunder and lots of rain. It has now cleared and there isn't a cloud in the sky. Such is Spring in Bulgaria.

So there you have it; it's been a lovely evening and now Rosie is in bed. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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