Monday 30 May 2022

Weekend away then hot day

There was no update on Friday as I was away to visit a friend at lunch so this update covers Friday as well. Let's get cracking.
Metal covers back onto the drains
Metal covers back onto the drains
Back in the trench
Back in the trench
Making the sections strong
Assembling a new raft
Assembling a new raft
Halil digs the trench a bit deeper
Halil digs the trench a bit deeper
First thing Friday morning Bekir fitted the drainage covers again the patio that we had lifted to deal with the toilet explosion. Then the men were back to the chicken enclosure, first of all finishing the top part with more shuttering, and they did have to use more of the new wood to do this last bit, then Halil was throwing the pickaxe to make the sloping bit up deeper before they put more wood up to surround that. The plan was for the cement truck to come on Monday.
Sat in the morning with a cuppa and a book
Sat in the morning with a cuppa and a book
The game kicks off with Steve
The game kicks off with Steve
Steve flicking a plane for Airflix
Steve flicking a plane for Airflix
After lunch I jumped into Maisie and, despite getting slightly lost and almost going to Serbia, I reached my mate's Steve about 8pm and sat with him and his wife and chatted and ate a lovely pick-n-mix dinner before heading to bed. Saturday was earmarked for gaming and I was up early with a cuppa and my book waiting for Steve to join me. We had a great game, and his friend Alan came over and played as well, before we headed out for our dinner at a local bar that was very nice indeed. Sunday morning Steve and I played Airflix before I was back in the car to drive home. This time I didn't get lost. Maisie really proved herself for these long drives and was so comfortable! After dinner and Rosie bedtime I sat on the balcony reading and fell asleep on the recliner, though.
Bekir refines the strengthening
Bekir refines the strengthening
Throwing soil in to fill in some gaps
Throwing soil in to fill in some gaps
Halil is clearing away stones
Halil is clearing away stones
A small fire, and a smooth bank
A small fire, and a smooth bank
And so to the heat of today. It was a hot one indeed. Angela took Rosie to school and I have been working at my desk on the balcony all day. The men spent the first part of the day preparing for the cement wagon to arrive but then they had a call putting it off until tomorrow. This meant they switched to the other task, tidying up around the already poured foundations. They are doing a great job, clearing rubble and stones and raking it all over so it will be mowable when the grass grows. They also burned a load of rubbish during the day. Hopefully tomorrow the cement will arrive.
Rosie with her pew pew
Rosie with her pew pew
Rosie with the flower she found
Rosie with the flower she found
After work I got Mo out and did the front lawn before heading onto the back bank to check it out; it is too long to mow in places now so that's going to be a challenge for tomorrow. Rosie came home and we had a nice play time with her AK-47 before she helped me to do some clearing in the garden and then we found a lovely flower.

Angela is recovering from her illness, which battered both of us last week, thank goodness. It's really dragged on and has been a really horrible time for her :( She managed to get a load more stuff planted out over the weekend, while Rosie "helped" and played in the garden, so now the raised beds are looking really full and awesome! I'll get more pics of those tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

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