Friday 20 May 2022

The Week End

Finally after such a busy week we've made it to the weekend - now just a full day with our little cherub Rosie to survive hah. Anyway, onwards.

Rosie in mid bounce as the sun rises
Rosie in mid bounce as the sun rises
The wooden boards are removed for reuse
The wooden boards are removed for reuse
Halil puts his back into lifting this section
Halil puts his back into lifting this section
Watering down the new concrete
Watering down the new concrete
Bekir clearing the trench ready for lining
Bekir clearing the trench ready for lining
I had a play with the scythe for the first time for years
I had a play with the scythe for the first time for years
Making a start on the shuttering
Making a start on the shuttering
A deeper trench this side
A deeper trench this side

This morning Rosie asked to bounce before she got ready for school and so I took her up, before Angela took over as I went back to my desk. It was a lovely start to the day (and it has been lovely all day actually) and great to watch her have fun. The men were in and taking down the shuttering from the concrete pour from yesterday. It looks very good indeed and will be a great solid base for our wall and fence. With the wood all removed Halil soaked the cement several times during the day to prevent it cracking in the heat while Bekir got stuck in with a shovel round the other side of the orchard to clear the trench to begin lining it. Halil had scythed a path through the long grass in the orchard and one time I went to see how they were doing I needed a break from work so I did a bit as well. They did some good progress today and the trench on this side, much deeper as it happens, has wood going a fair way up it. Angela was busy today as well; Thelma has eczema on her nose so Angela took her to the vet for some cream before later on heading into town to drop some of her art at an art gallery for a show next week!

Rosie zooming on her scooter
Rosie zooming on her scooter
Rosie drew and awesome face on her own
Rosie drew and awesome face on her own
Apple growing on a tree
Apple growing on a tree

After school there was play time with Rosie which involved scooters, footballs (and me doing some weeding while playing) drawing and fun on the balcony. I also got to check out the orchard and there seems to be quite a lot of fruit this year which is great.

So there it is; a long but satisfying week. Thanks for reading, all. Back Monday.

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