Thursday 21 July 2022

A hot and hard day

Today has been hot, much hotter than the previous days, and also the really strong winds have not blown which is a huge relief for me as they really bother me.

Settling down to some game time
Settling down to some game time

We'll start with last night, however, as Angela and I got a game in which was great - it's always so hard to make time for this when you're tired or run down but it's ALWAYS worth while when we do.

Bekir fits the handle in place
Bekir fits the handle in place
Looking at the chain link
Looking at the chain link
Welding nuts into place
Welding nuts into place
The nut is welding snugly in place
The nut is welding snugly in place
Pushing the metal rod through - hard slow work
Pushing the metal rod through - hard slow work
The gate is in place
The gate is in place
The second gate is nearly done here
The second gate is nearly done here

So today was a very long and very difficult day for the men with the heat and also the task they ended up doing. Basically they finished fitting the handle to the gate, now the paint was dry, then started looking into the chain link and decided to do a really good job so they headed down and bought some nuts then spent ages welding them in place around each of the panels. With that done they then laboriously attached the chain link to the nuts by pushing a length of rod through the nuts and the chain link; this required them to bend and twist the fencing to allow it to run through. It really did take a long time however the results are great and now that door is complete. To put it into perspective they did the other gate, using a less secure method (but then it won't get nearly as much use) in the last hour of the day so now all the gates are done. Of course the task that I expected them to do isn't however the job they've done on that main gate is really solid.

The frog on the side of the pool
The frog on the side of the pool
Rosie swimming to me
Rosie swimming to me
Temperature in the shade
Temperature in the shade

Today has been a double pool day for both Angela and I; we went in at lunch time which was epic and then after work/school again. Both the frogs were on the side of the pool today as well, so I put them back in the tree. It really has been a lovely warm day, that is the temperature in the shade on the balcony.

So there it is; another day done. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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