Friday 1 July 2022

Reaching the weekend

Today I only took three pictures; there just wasn't that much to photograph.
Bekir having finished the next section
Bekir having finished the next section
Halil just finished watering the hard concrete
Halil just finished watering the hard concrete
Unloading cement from the back of Thomas
Unloading cement from the back of Thomas
Basically the workmen finished up the cement around the base of the fence. They also spent time watering the dried cement to prevent it cracking as it was again a hot day (32 degrees in the shade as I sit typing this). Halil helped me to drop Maisie at the garage again for a partially planned service, and also to get the air conditioning checked out; the guy said he thought it was probably a fuse (and that was also my guess) but he is also going to do all the liquids and oils and filters in her. Later on Bekir and Halil took Thomas to get cement and then I went into the pool and Rosie and Angela joined me, as well as the grandson from next door.

And there it is; that's the day. Thanks for reading, we will be back on Monday.

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