Friday 29 July 2022

Just more cement

I had a crazy busy day today so didn't get outside much to take pictures as the men were working however they were pretty much cracking on with the same work.

Halil chipping at a gap in the corner
Halil chipping at a gap in the corner
Bekir filling in more of the ceiling damage
Bekir filling in more of the ceiling damage
Mixing more mortar up
Mixing more mortar up
The back wall is nearly done
The back wall is nearly done
A mesh over the ventilation
A mesh over the ventilation

I did get out at the beginning to see the start of the day as Halil was chipping away some old mortar with the hammer to make a better gap to start repairing the corner. Bekir was back up the ladder working away on the roof. He said that this would need to be done in several thin coats as some of the damage would require quite a thick covering layer. They carried on through the day, as I've said, and finished up with the back wall done and a good chuck of the ceiling as well. They have also put a mesh over the gap where the old wood burning stove would have vents and this will provide some ventilation for the chickens.

And that's it. After school we all went into the pool and had a great time but no pictures of it as we were all in the pool. Thanks for reading, back on Monday.

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