Monday 26 September 2022

Making a start on the car port

We're back and it is Monday again so let's get this blog on the go.

Rosie sparkling with her sparkler
Rosie sparkling with her sparkler
Breakfast time with the girls
Breakfast time with the girls
Angela trims and tidies the tomato plants
Angela trims and tidies the tomato plants
Cuddling up with an octopus on my head
Cuddling up with an octopus on my head
Rosie plants some seeds with Mummy
Rosie plants some seeds with Mummy

The weekend was an odd one as I wasn't very well on Saturday and then I was woken very early on Sunday and couldn't get back to sleep so I was pretty useless. It started off on Friday night, however, with Rosie and a sparkler just before bed. Saturday morning after breakfast at her little table, sat with the puppies, I went into town with Rosie quickly to get some stuff while Angela did a load in the garden. I slept most of the afternoon and was in bed a bit later than planned unfortunately. Sunday was a lovely day for Angela and Rosie but I was fit for very little. I did get a lovely cuddle with Rosie first thing and then enjoyed watching them spend most of the morning and early afternoon outside gardening and playing. In the late afternoon we went out for our dinner to our favourite restaurant and Rosie had lots of fun but I didn't get any pictures at all! And that was that.

Dramatic pre-dawn sky
Dramatic pre-dawn sky
Taking the ladder down
Taking the ladder down
Halil starts the first hole
Halil starts the first hole
Bekir using the breaker on the concrete
Bekir using the breaker on the concrete
Holes ready for our columns
Holes ready for our columns
Sand and stone delivery
Sand and stone delivery
Bending metal station
Bending metal station
One is done
One is done
Halil back to the wood task
Halil back to the wood task

Today dawned with a dramatic sky but not long after the fog came up and didn't burn off for a bit. The first task for the men was to put the large ladder away as it isn't needed any more then they went round to the drive and began digging and breaking for a footing for the columns. It didn't take long to get these all chiseled out and we have holes for six columns on the house side. Next up they headed out to get rebar for the base of these holes and also ordered sand and stones for the cement, which arrived very quickly. Bekir spent the rest of the afternoon bending metal and making the rebar frames while Halil went back to chopping and splitting wood. It is forecast to be a very rainy and stormy day tomorrow so he may very well end up stacking wood inside for a lot of it tomorrow. We shall see.

Rosie playing on her Toot Toot
Rosie playing on her Toot Toot
Xena climbed the sand pile
Xena climbed the sand pile
The evening sky
The evening sky

After school Rosie had all the fun on the patio riding her trike, her scooter and also her old Toot Toot toy which is a bit small for her now but she still enjoys. Xena found the big pile of sand and ran straight up to the top and then we chatted to Usmivka who was in his garden. After dinner the evening sky was very dramatic as well so I snapped a picture and now it's time for Rosie to head to bed.

So there it is; a good day today and let's hope that the forecast is wrong for tomorrow. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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