Thursday 22 September 2022

Path finished, on to chopping wood

I'm feeling quite jaded today, missing Dad a lot I think. Let's just get to the blog.

Halil mixes up some cement
Halil mixes up some cement
Off for a run in the fog
Off for a run in the fog
Rosie helps Angela with some planting
Rosie helps Angela with some planting
The final blocks are laid
The final blocks are laid
Starting to make their way through the wood pile
Starting to make their way through the wood pile
Lots of wood split, lots left to do
Lots of wood split, lots left to do

It started off a lovely morning but very quickly the fog rose and it stayed around most of the morning. Autumn is definitely here. Bekir and Halil were working to finish off the block laying first thing while Angela and Rosie had a really fun time in the garden, both planting things out and playing. It is a national holiday here today so no school. By the time the sun had burned through properly and the day was warming up, the last block was being laid. The rest of the day was spent cutting and splitting our wood pile ready to be stashed. The steel was being cut today and apparently it will be delivered tomorrow now.

Rosie cycling her trike
Rosie cycling her trike
Rosie and Xena sat together
Rosie and Xena sat together
Making a sandcastle
Making a sandcastle
Moving the wood towards inside
Moving the wood towards inside

I had a little hobby time with Rosie as we painted a bit more of her cardboard castle then we went outside onto the now clear patio and she had a lot of fun with her scooter and her trike. After that she went off playing with Thelma while I started to shift some of the wood away from the pile and into the wood room. I shifted a load onto the driveway then got about 1/3 of that inside before dinner.

So there it is; one more day of the week and is there a chance we'll have our steel tomorrow!? Let's hope! Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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