Saturday 3 August 2013

Making decisions

The main feeling after returning from viewing so many houses in such a short time was exhaustion but this was tempered with a feeling of optimism.

Of the fifteen houses we had viewed, numbers 3, 4, 7 and 14 were definite possibilities; we had gone from a position of having nothing to being excited about to having four options.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm decisions decisions
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm decisions decisions
The evening before we left was taken up with eating a huge meal at the hotel and discussing all the options. There were pros and cons to each property and we had to narrow down our options before starting a buying process.

The remnants of the mammoth celebration meal
The remnants of the mammoth celebration meal
Numbers 3, 4 and 7 were in a location which we didn't know as well, and number 7 was quite substantially out of budget, while number 4 didn't have great access (we actually drove over sloping grass to get to it which, in the winter, would have been interesting to say the least) and number 3 was close to the road but with an overlooking neighbour.

Number 14 (the school) was in the perfect location right near a town we liked and with relatively good access (a gravel track / dirt track combination) but it was HUGE and also, at the price quoted on the listing, well out of budget.

Clockwise from top left: House 3, 4, 14 and 7
Clockwise from top left: House 3, 4, 14 and 7
The pros and cons were gone over and over in this way for several hours until it was decided to just let it settle and change the subject.

The decision was made back in good ole blighty; we would pursue all of them, requesting Skitzas and Notaralions from the respective agents and also talking to Georgi Stankov of "Bulgarian Properties for Sale" about the school and finding out what the new price was going to be.

As it happened the Municipality were having the meeting the week after we visited to set the new price for the School and when this came through it placed the school firmly within the budget. This meant that we didn't pursue the other three options at all even though Slavena the agent was exceptionally quick to respond to all questions and did send the information requested.

So, decision made.

Next blog will be about the bidding process and what happened next.



  1. WOW! Looking forward as always to the next installment :)

  2. So basically you just came from the UK and bought a school in an unnamed villages in the Rhodopes? Wow.

    1. Kind of. I spent nearly 18 months looking for a property and explored a couple of places but basically. yes. Cannot wait! :)

  3. This is all so very exciting and interesting!
