Monday 17 August 2020

The men return

 After a longer than expected break, but not an unwelcome one, today the workmen were back which was great.

Marrows to turn into jam and curry
Marrows to turn into jam and curry
Plane flies over on my way to the airport
Plane flies over on my way to the airport
Very fast train home
Very fast train home
Rosie the cheeky
Rosie the cheeky

This could be a super long update, of course, as I've taken many pictures in the intervening weeks however I'm going to resist that and stick to today other than saying we've both been in the garden making good progress clearing and improving it, I had a successful business trip to Germany, and Rosie is growing every day into a cheekier and more intelligent and wonderful child.

Early start before sunrise
Early start before sunrise
The day's progress
The day's progress
And here comes the sun
And here comes the sun

So to today; I was up very early as I'm setting my alarm three times a week to get up before the sunrise and do some garden work; it's been so hot that this is the only time it is really plausible to do it, and also it means I don't lose time with Rosie. Today I finished down the side of the drive, I have the corner by the Green Building to do and then I'll start clearing up past the chicken house and to the top bank. It's slow but satisfying work with my hand sickle.

Sally surveys the task at hand
Sally surveys the task at hand
Bekir gets stuck in
Bekir gets stuck in
A whole lot of scraping going on
A whole lot of scraping going on
Very dusty work
Very dusty work
Bekir working on the electrics
Bekir working on the electrics
Halil doing some channelling
Halil doing some channelling

I had just settled back down to work after breakfast when the workmen arrived which was great; they got ready and got stuck in to the next job, which is clearing out and mending the front entrance room - this will become our gardening tool storage room when it is completed, with shelves on each side and probably hidden behind doors or curtains. It was a day of hammering and scraping as they took the old paint and plaster off the walls and then some electrical work, Bekir replacing wiring done by my mate Steve six years ago! It was a productive first day and hopefully the momentum will continue to get everything done before winter. We have also had a quote for all the glazing work, around the balcony and the open porch, which came in "affordable" if not cheap.

Tyres in the garden
Tyres in the garden

After work I got time with Rosie in the garden, and even got to dig the third tyre in - only one more to go now.

It has been a good day, it's great to have the men back and good to get back to blogging again. I'll be back tomorrow with another update.