Tuesday 13 October 2020

A storm, scraping and Room 13

 Today has been a day of two halves.

Heavy rainfall
Heavy rainfall
Rain falling sideways
Rain falling sideways
A leak into Room 13
A leak into Room 13

The day started with heavy rain and then torrential rain and then biblical rain. It was raining as hard as I've seen it rain for a while. It rained so hard that it overloaded the drains on several windows and we had water inside in a few places. It was also blowing a gale and the rain was falling sideways at times.

The scraping commences
The scraping commences
Blinds being fitted
Blinds being fitted
So much scraping!
So much scraping!
Room 13 blinds done
Room 13 blinds done
Plumbing work
Plumbing work

Inside Sally and Halil were cracking on with the scraping down the stairs and they were at this all day, and still haven't finished. It is a large area as the walls are so high but they have made superb progress. Bekir was in Room 13 fitting the blinds and he got these done pretty quickly. They look great and I hope they give me enough shade in the height of summer. After this he set to on disconnecting the old boiler and fitting the new one however he found a small leak right at the end of the day so that'll be investigated tomorrow. He's nearly finished in there, however, and I'll be able to get stuck in to my network upgrade when he is done.

Storm over, the sun comes out
Storm over, the sun comes out

The second half of the day was warm sun and clouds breaking then disappearing; it was such a huge change.

So there you are; another day in the books. Here's to tomorrow.

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