Friday 2 October 2020

Another week ends

 Another week done and I'm tired and want this to be a quick update, so hopefully it will be so.

Rosie disappears into the school
Rosie disappears into the school
Scything with my very bad scythe
Scything with my very bad scythe
Halil plastering between the windows
Halil plastering between the windows
Sally plasters on the ceiling
Sally plasters on the ceiling
Bekir helps with a strimmer
Bekir helps with a strimmer

This morning was a big moment for the whole family as finally Rosie got to go to the school/kindergarten/whatever you call it. We took her down on time and she went, slightly uncertainly, but without crying with the nice ladies and was carried inside - we weren't able to go in due to Covid restrictions. They said they would call if there were any problems. I headed back to continue working and found the men already hard at work; Hikmet was out fron with the scythe while Bekir was tiling on the balcony and Sally and Halil were plastering in the upstairs corridor. Later in the morning Bekir helped Hikmet out as the scythe I have now is rubbish; the strimmer was a much better idea.

Finishing up the sealing task
Finishing up the sealing task
Lots of plastering
Lots of plastering
Hikmet chops, Thelma steals
Hikmet chops, Thelma steals
Bekir grouts
Bekir grouts
Fitting the first blind
Fitting the first blind
Fitted and down and looking great
Fitted and down and looking great

Bekir finished tiling then went and completed the sealant work around the edge of the toilet shed; he also told me the carpet we ordered, that we've been waiting for, is not available at all - why the shop didn't ring to tell him, and he had to chase, is very very frustrating. So now we're going to be back on the hunt for more carpet. Inside Sally and Halil were making great progress and they completed the plastering (maybe only the first coat; I'll find out on Monday if they start again) but it's looking great. Hikmet was back to the kindling and working away steadily but efficiently all the rest of the afternoon. Bekir mended his grout tool and then grouted the tiles before coming inside and fitting the first of the blinds in the Art Room. They are lovely, and am very much looking forward to them being all up and keeping the heat down in these rooms in the summer.

So there you are. Rosie only lasted a few hours at school before coming back but it was a very good first attempt and she'll be there again next week. Thanks for reading.

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