Thursday 15 October 2020

Washing the floors

 Suddenly it is Thursday again and only one more day of the week for the men; time does fly when you are crazily busy.

Another socket by my hobby bench
Another socket by my hobby bench

Halil gets a globe down
Halil gets a globe down
Full of water (the bulb was still good tho)
Full of water (the bulb was still good tho)
Fog burns off in the valley
Fog burns off in the valley

The day began with Bekir in Room 13 fitting the two extra plugs I want in there, UK sockets with USB points, and Sally and Halil scraping and removing plaster (which was a very noisy and dangerous task as the video above shows). Halil took one of the globes down and found that it was still full of water, this must have been in there since the first year I was here when there was no roof and it flooded really badly. Incredible! By this time the early fog had burned off and was quickly disappearing from the valley but I noticed and grabbed a picture before it completely vanished.

Sally clambers up
Sally clambers up
Another extra socket fitted
Another extra socket fitted
Loads of rubble from this ceiling
Loads of rubble from this ceiling
Uncovering cabling and pipes
Uncovering cabling and pipes
Long drill bit to go through the wall
Long drill bit to go through the wall

The rest of the day was very noisy with lots of plaster falling from the ceiling, and banging and scraping. Bekir finished the electrics and Halil started tidying as Sally reached the end of the cleaning job which I'm sure he's thankful for. The next task for Bekir was to fit the new over sink boiler in Room 13 so he started to chisel away at the old plumbing which was a long slow manual process so as to avoid damaging the plastic pipes in the wall. The internet cable here will be put inside a conduit so I can change it out or add more cables if I want. The new water heater sits above the sink and so he had to drill through the wall, and through the splashback, for more plumbing and he got that nearly done before the next task came along that took basically all the rest of the day... lots of water for washing the dust off the walls and floor.

Sally hosing the walls down
Sally hosing the walls down
A huge muddy puddle for Rosie
A huge muddy puddle for Rosie

The water is pushed downstairs
The water is pushed downstairs
Such a beautiful lovely airy room
Such a beautiful lovely airy room

Halil passed a hose up through the window in Room 13, I had to help as my arms are longer than Sally's, and then it was time to soak down the walls, ceiling and floors and create lots of puddles and mess. The three of them worked together sweeping and spraying and now everything is drying with the windows open. Tomorrow will be cement underneath the windows in the new glass room (which is just so lovely, I kept going into it when I had a moment today) while Bekir will need to get water back into Room 13 as next week they have another job to do so are taking a week off from here.

So there you have it; another day in the bag, and nearly another week. Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.

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