Monday 23 November 2020

Another day without power, and balcony windows

 What a day today has been; another day without power and it is nearly 11pm now as I do this as I wanted to get the things done I had planned to do earlier today (and I haven't managed to finish it all). Onwards, as fast as possible!

Sandpit in any weather
Sandpit in any weather
Playing with the abacus
Playing with the abacus
Making a start on the Santa's Express ring
Making a start on the Santa's Express ring
Lovely lights on Rosie's Hobbit Hole
Lovely lights on Rosie's Hobbit Hole
Saved from the forecast frost
Saved from the forecast frost

So first of all the weekend (I'd even forgotten it was a Monday until just then!) this consisted of me having a headache, lots of time with Rosie, painting in the painting room with the fire blazing on a zoom call with a good mate, good food, starting the Santa's Express terrain for around the Christmas Tree (this is what I've been doing this evening as well) and admiring the Christmas Lights that Angela put on Rosie's Hobbit hole. It was also forecast to frost so I pulled the plants in off the balcony.

Beautiful start to the day
Beautiful start to the day
Frosty view up the back bank to the village
Frosty view up the back bank to the village
Crystals on the winter veg on the balcony
Crystals on the winter veg on the balcony

It was a good thing that I did pull the plants in as it was very cold and a heavy frost. I went to bed with a horrendous headache, early, and woke thankfully feeling a huge amount better, and very grateful to Angela for letting me have a little lay in. I was up in time to say goodbye to Rosie who was at school today before I headed up to work. Until the power cut off again at 8:55. I was not impressed.

Workmen putting up the pylon
Workmen putting up the pylon

Heating up lunch on the stove
Heating up lunch on the stove

The men had turned up and were working but I didn't get any pictures as I was using the battery on my laptop and when that finished I went to collect the generator from the menders. I also got a few things fixed on Thomas and then came back, plugged everything in, and was in time for my morning meeting which was long and I wish I'd missed. Anyway, the generator powered me all day until 4.30 when the power came back again so at least now that is sorted. I cooked my lunch on the petchka and Angela went to the dentist again and came back with the first problem sorted and more appointments in the coming days.

Bekir working on the landing
Bekir working on the landing
Halil working on the stairs
Halil working on the stairs
Window people fitting the huuuuge window
Window people fitting the huuuuge window

So what have the workmen got up to. I'm not totally sure as I was so busy after I got power back but there's been progress on the landing and stairs with plastering and other bits and pieces but the most exciting, unexpected (and partially frustrating) part of the day was the window people arriving to fit the windows on the balcony. It turns out we should have popped ALL the tiles off the wall before the windows were fitted as now we have some tiles flush with the bottom of the windows and some not and it's going to be a huge task (days at least) to solve it by popping them, sliding them out, putting cement, then retiling. It needs doing before winter, though, and this is why we REALLY wanted this done earlier in the year. No matter, it's awesome to see them done and how lovely it will be; I'm over my initial shock at the size of the gaps being filled, having been so insistent on "to the mm, please" and hope the work Bekir will do making good will give a good result. There's more welding, cement work, tiling needed and the weather is not on our side.

The window people will be back tomorrow to complete the installation, including glass and the triangular sections, then Bekir will need to be straight out there to finish it off; more delays on the library and the landing and at this rate they'll be working into the new year; not ideal but that's life I suppose (of course, presuming they aren't locked down and CAN'T come, which would mean no library or model railway this year. What happens, happens). Thanks for reading.


  1. Big Big window. You`ll need a cill on the outside as well as (make good) on the inside. Even if it`s not done for winter, at least it should be a bit warmer with all that glass. winters sun can be warm through glass. At least it is in our conservatory. Good luck mate and happy sunbathing.

    1. yeah we'll get it sealed inside and out; going to have to pop all the tiles, fill in with cement, then tile inside and out... really annoyed I didn't realise this and get the tiles popped up first. One of those things and we do catch most of these gotchas early so one is always going to get through :)

      Yeah, can't wait to sit out and watch the snow falling through that window!!!
