Friday 6 November 2020


 Today has been another busy one for me, and this update will be short and sweet as I was so busy with work I got very few pictures.

The sun is rising in a red sky
The sun is rising in a red sky
Tucking the power out of the way
Tucking the power out of the way
Sally up the scaffold again
Sally up the scaffold again
Halil gets involved with the plastering
Halil gets involved with the plastering
Bekir on an unsafe ladder as usual
Bekir on an unsafe ladder as usual
Sally finishes the first coat
Sally finishes the first coat

The day started cold but with a beautiful red sky that I saw out of the window in Room 13. I did have to light the fire for a bit in there but most of the day it was OK and I didn't need it which is good. The men were in on time and Bekir was working on electrics, running the power for the socket on the landing and joining it to the consumer unit. He gave a shopping list to Angela who headed out with Rosie to get a courier delivery and pick up the stuff. Sally was again up the scaffold, this time plastering the ceiling while Halil worked around the rest of the walls plastering them. Even Bekir got involved with this task, but he also chiselled out the light switches at the top of the stairs and planned some of the electrics with me for the stairs. The entirety of the ceiling on the landing is now plastered with its first coat so a second coat on that on Monday and we're nearly done in there. Incredibly fast work.

And the day ends in colour also
And the day ends in colour also

At this rate they may well get to the downstairs landing and we may be complete this year, particularly if the carpet fitting stuff takes ages to arrive. We shall see. After work I had a bit of hobby time then a lovely time with Rosie outside with her on the swing in the trees and then playing with Thelma. The sunset was glorious as well.

And that's it. Now it is the weekend so I'll see you all again on Monday. Have a good one everyone.