Friday 8 May 2020


Friday again, these weeks are flying past, and another day of progress and sunshine.

This is why I want the balcony roof to be done RIGHT
This is why I want the balcony roof to be done RIGHT
View along the front this morning
View along the front this morning
Sat on top of the bays having fun
Sat on top of the bays having fun
Successful extension
Successful extension
A little more cleaning
A little more cleaning
More plastering for Sally
More plastering for Sally

Two ladders strapped together
Two ladders strapped together
Drilling for the fitting
Drilling for the fitting
Pipe in place
Pipe in place
The day was glorious and I was on morning duty so quickly grabbed a shot of the sunrise before heading down to get Rosie. We were outside straight away and when Angela woke and joined us we stayed outside for more tea. It was such a lovely morning. The men arrived dead on time and set to; Bekir had done the welding for the extended fixings for the ventilation pipe and showed them to me then got set to begin the fitting. Halil meanwhile took a few minutes to do some more cleaning of windows and Sally prepared to do more plastering on the bays. The most amusing part of this early period was Bekir stating that the big ladder (which I purchased at great cost of this very purpose) was just too big and he couldn't be bothered carrying it so he and Halil proceeded to strap two ladders together and make use of them. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry but it seems to have worked out OK and no one got hurt. This time.

Looking for the pipes
Looking for the pipes
Gathering insulation
Gathering insulation
Channelling for draining the toilet reservoir
Channelling for draining the toilet reservoir
The first tile gets glued down
The first tile gets glued down
Finishing up the insulation
Finishing up the insulation
Bays looking great thanks to Sally
Bays looking great thanks to Sally
The final tile is laid
The final tile is laid
With this completed Bekir and Halil began to excavate to find the pipe into which the toilet drain will attach and after some hunting they did find it. Sally was now insulating the outside walls of the bays, doing both ends which is great. A trench will be needed from inside the bay down to the drainage (it should probably have been done before the doors were fitted but hey) so Halil channeled it out with the hammer drill. Bekir was finally free to start the main task, tiling inside the porch. I helped carry the tiles out (after chasing the first of two swallows that got inside and started flying around the upstairs corridor - I have lost count of the number of times I've said to keep all the doors shut - maybe now this'll be remembered) and as the day went on Sally finished the insulating and got all but a small amount of the plastering totally completed on the bays while Bekir finished all the floor. He's got the step to do on Monday and then grouting and light fitting and then it is done.

Slightly more grass is cut
Slightly more grass is cut
The jungle up the side is slightly reduced
The jungle up the side is slightly reduced
I got the lawnmower out at the end of the day and ran it over the long grass that had grown up between the path and the house, and round the corner underneath the vines. I think next week the next vine-support may end up being fitted, and I may plant the other vines I've saved from cuttings. It is a major sun trap round there and will be lovely to sit under the vines in years to come.

So there you are; another week done. I'll see you all on Monday I'm sure.