Thursday 6 October 2022

Another crazy busy day

Today has been another day where I've barely stopped. I love that Angela can get away for her art course, it's so awesome, but typically many extra things have happened while she's gone which have just made me dash dash dash. Rosie has been so good though so it's been easy other than the issues with Maisie really.

Morning sky today
Morning sky today
A spot weld before heading out
A spot weld before heading out
Punduk has a nap on the duvet
Punduk has a nap on the duvet
Back and putting up more columns
Back and putting up more columns
This plug socket doesn't work any more
This plug socket doesn't work any more

We start the day with the sky as Rosie and I went to feed the chickens before school. When I got back from dropping her off I went straight back out with Halil to the garage again. I'd had a very concerning conversation with the mechanic last night after the blog published where he said she was in a very bad way and he didn't think she was worth repairing however this morning he was more positive and I think we've found someone who can do the repairs necessary. Not good though. The men had got stuck in first thing and prepared one column with a very small amount of welding before Halil left so we could get going and Bekir had things to work on and when we got back he'd swept the drive and finished the column. Later on in the day I went out to find them fitting a new plug onto the extension as the welder had drawn so much current it melted the plug!

Painting just the tops
Painting just the tops
Grinding one of the cross pieces
Grinding one of the cross pieces
Bekir welding picture one
Bekir welding picture one
Bekir welding picture two
Bekir welding picture two
This side is all finished
This side is all finished
Reinforcing plates going in
Reinforcing plates going in

The next task was to paint the tops of each of the unpainted columns as they were going to put the cross beams in place. This required more grinding from that awesome grinding machine and then, sadly, I missed every instance of them lifting into place so I cannot say how they got it done. Just as I was leaving for Rosie's school meeting (an hour of very fast Bulgarian but I think I could the gist of it) they had finished welding in the second of the beams and were about to raise the final middle one. Excellent progress indeed. When I got back just now I found that they had completed all the cross pieces and begun the next task which is to weld some reinforcement across the joins between each 5m long section of cross piece.

Rosie pushes the roundabout on her own
Rosie pushes the roundabout on her own
Having fun on the merry go round
Having fun on the merry go round

After the aforementioned school meeting we went over to our favourite restaurant and Rosie had lots of fun playing while I ate a nice salad and watched her. She was insistent on wanting to do things on her own, and very proud when she managed it. 

So there it is; a busy day but a good one and we can neither of us wait for Angela to get back tomorrow! Thanks for reading.

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