Friday 28 October 2022


I almost forgot about writing the blog this evening; I've just finished watching The Fifth Element and wow what a funny film. Anyway, let's get to this update.

Xena checks out the view
Xena checks out the view
Beautiful autumn colours
Beautiful autumn colours

First of all this morning which was bright and sunny and autumnal. Xena has taken to standing on the windowsill in Room 13 and looking out of the window; she loves climbing. I had to check what she saw and then get a picture myself; a beautiful view.

Profiling the wood to fit into the undulations
Profiling the wood to fit into the undulations
Radio Veselina and Radio Etno all day
Radio Veselina and Radio Etno all day
Securing the metal edging into place
Securing the metal edging into place
Halil brings back the windows I put up the top bank
Halil brings back the windows I put up the top bank
Splitting the windows down
Splitting the windows down
Final metal edging trimmed to length
Final metal edging trimmed to length

The men arrived on time and told me about their day yesterday. Long time readers will remember (maybe) the difficulty I had registering Julian in Bulgaria. Well they had a huge mission yesterday involving lots of rushing around to different places and having to get Julian past the preglet (road safety test - and honestly it says something about that test when I tell you that he passed!) and they did manage in the end to get the registration done. I'm not surprised they weren't able to get here to work. They did crack on very well today. First of all they spent some time working out how to use the wooden strips to secure the Ondolin best (and they had brought themselves a music system which they played all day which is cool). With their plans made for the strips Bekir went up onto the roof and fitted the rest of the metal edging while Halil split the windows into kindling, then took Thomas onto the back bank and brought back the windows I'd taken up the other day. He then split all these as well.

Working out the gaps
Working out the gaps
Tidying up the scraps
Tidying up the scraps
Making a form for the gap
Making a form for the gap
Splitting more logs
Splitting more logs
Lots of strips secured in place
Lots of strips secured in place
Absolutely full of wood
Absolutely full of wood

Bekir got started on setting out the strips at the correct distance to hold the ondolin in place very securely. He was measuring each one carefully to make sure they were perfect. Meanwhile Halil got stuck into cleaning up a load of the wooden offcuts which will make very good starting wood for the fire this winter. He then went and made a form for Bekir to use to help position each strip without having to measure - they really are very creative in making these quick tools to help with repetitive tasks. After that he was out with the axe splitting more fire wood. We really did buy a lot of firewood this year! Bekir kept on with the stripping and then worked out how much overlap each ondolin sheet would have. They are going to silicon between each sheet as well to prevent water seepage. Halil then loaded his car right to the top with wood. While I was stood on the roof and he was showing how much he had fitted the handbrake started to give and the car was rolling down the slope towards the Green Building. He was able, fortunately, to jump in and steer it onto the flat. I hope they got home ok!

Pump it up
Pump it up
Salad and "tsigareni byuretsi"
Salad and "tsigareni byuretsi"
Sliver of moon in the dusk
Sliver of moon in the dusk

I decided to take myself out for dinner tonight after a busy day of my own and first topped up the air in one of Thomas' tyres that Halil saw was a bit low. It was nice to go and eat a salad and read my book in our favourite restaurant and when I got back the sky was so beautiful I stopped at the gate to take a picture. And then I watched the film and now I'm writing this update.

So there it is; thanks for reading and back on Monday.

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