Tuesday 11 October 2022

More steel work

The title says it all really, though the men have had to go out a fair bit today as well.

Bekir gets stuck into the welding
Bekir gets stuck into the welding
Having fun in the garden
Having fun in the garden
A good haul of plants for our garden
A good haul of plants for our garden
Sitting on a beam, ready to weld
Sitting on a beam, ready to weld
The scaffold makes this much easier
The scaffold makes this much easier
A bad picture of the wafer they inserted
A bad picture of the wafer they inserted

The first thing Bekir and Halil got to was finishing off shifting each beam exactly into place and securing it there. This did not take long and once they had finished they headed off to order the wood they need for the next stage, and also to buy some strong drills for all the drilling they'll be doing tomorrow. Unfortunately Rosie is still not well so was off school again and spent the day both playing quietly on her own and also helping Angela a bit. When the men got back with Thomas, Angela went straight out to pick up some plants that had been delivered from her contact up north. For the men's part they went back to work this time adding little slivers of metal either side of where the beam met the top cross beam to increase the surface area of contact and make everything more secure. They brought the old scaffold down from the roof as well to make it easier.

Angela and Rosie sorting through the new plants
Angela and Rosie sorting through the new plants
An awesome preying mantis
An awesome preying mantis
Halil continues the huge splitting task
Halil continues the huge splitting task
Bekir welding - nearly done this task
Bekir welding - nearly done this task

Angela did a load of tidying and cleaning today and then headed out into the garden to sort through all the plants. We need many more, but this is a really good start. While out there we found a preying mantis on the grass and watched it for a while; I had to stop Rosie wanting to pick it up! The men were cracking on while Halil was back to splitting wood (he's getting close to done now) while Bekir continued with the welding.

There's another metal bending task to be done as they are going to tie the columns by the wall into the stone there to add another level of security. Hopefully tomorrow the wood we ordered today will arrive and this project will continue cracking on at the pace we need. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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