Tuesday 28 November 2023

Back to the holes in the wall

Today has been a day of slow progress, but progress is good. Let's get to it.

Rosie having a blast in the leaves
Rosie having a blast in the leaves

First of all is Rosie this morning as I dropped her at school. She saw the huge pile of leaves underneath the tree by the school front door and I told her to go play in the leaves. The teachers were watching and laughing so much. She had a great time.

The fire is lit!
The fire is lit!

Today has been damp and cold enough that I lit the fire and have kept it lit all day. We still don't have any more snow though. Despite it being such a cold day Angela got outside today and dug over the raised beds - I forgot to get pictures but it was a great bit of garden progress.

Bekir trimming some of the bricks
Bekir trimming some of the bricks
Chiseling away at the bricks
Chiseling away at the bricks
Bekir hoovers up and tidied
Bekir hoovers up and tidied
Shuttering being put on
Shuttering being put on
Cement ready for use
Cement ready for use
Hole starting to get tidied
Hole starting to get tidied
Halil getting stuck in
Halil getting stuck in
A little plastering
A little plastering

The task for the men today, who were a little late this morning, was to keep working on the holes punched through the wall for the model railway. First of all Bekir trimmed a few bits off the bricks that were in the way of making the hole totally square, then he tidied up and finally put a few lengths of wood on as framing for the next step. Halil mixed some cement and so they got started on building up the base and walls. They also put some plaster on some of the walls. There was a lot of depth to fill so they had to go out to get some faster drying mortar as well.

Rosie painting some decorations
Rosie painting some decorations
Getting ready for Christmas
Getting ready for Christmas

After school Rosie and I spent some time with her painting some Christmas Decorations, which she did really well, and after that we went up into the lounge and put the lights around the tree. Right now Angela and Rosie are working on the tree in the library.

So there it is. Right now the wind is howling outside but still no snow. Thanks for reading, back tomorrow.

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