Tuesday 21 November 2023

Nearly finished

Well as you can tell by the title of this update we have still not yet completed the work in Rosie's rooms however we are really close and there's a good reason why we didn't finish.
Beautiful autumn morning
Beautiful autumn morning
I'll open, however, with a picture taken through a very dirty window of the morning as the sun came up. It was a lovely day, though got cloudy through the middle of the day, but still no sign of snow.
Halil paints with his new handle
Halil paints with his new handle
Getting the music room laid out
Getting the music room laid out
Bekir burns some rubbish
Bekir burns some rubbish
The ceiling is now painted
The ceiling is now painted
Bekir hanging the lights again
Bekir hanging the lights again
The target for today for the men was to get the rooms finished completely so first of all they started painting, then went to the shop to buy a new paint handle, and continued with this for the morning. I took  a little time in the roof to tidy a bit and plan out where my guitars are going to hang, as well as put up some small tables to stand one of the guitar amps on. Halil ran out of paint so he went out again however this time Bekir stayed and did some burning for us. By the end of the day all the painting was done and they were onto rehanging the lights and doing lots of tidying. The final thing left to do now is the shelf in the bedroom for her cuddly toys to set on. We realised that the original plan, to just screw them into the beam, isn't the greatest idea and we need some shelf supports however because this is a late plan I didn't buy enough on Sunday and so Halil is picking some up this evening.
Rosie took over Dutch's cage
Rosie took over Dutch's cage
I'll leave you with a picture of Rosie who decided to kick Dutch out of his enclosure and sit in there instead. She's a funny one.

So there it is. Maybe tomorrow finally we can move on from this "short diversion task" and get the music room finished with guitars hung and posters up. Thanks for reading and back tomorrow.

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