Thursday 30 November 2023

Onto another project

Today has been another busy and successful day so let's get to it.

Halil doing some sanding
Halil doing some sanding
More sanding going on
More sanding going on
Measuring for cutting the shelf
Measuring for cutting the shelf
Painting bezir on the shelf
Painting bezir on the shelf
The shelf is looking great
The shelf is looking great

First off Halil was sanding down around the holes through for the model railway which isn't quite finished even now but is just being done a little every day. I think tomorrow there may be some more sanding required and then it should be done. Meanwhile Bekir was working on the shelf for Angela in her art room. He cut wood, then treated it with stain and finally, later in the day when the stain had finally dried, he fitted it in place. It is going to be perfect for storing things for Angela while she does her art.

Tidying offcuts away
Tidying offcuts away
Filthy and needing tidying
Filthy and needing tidying
The old Christmas Tree base
The old Christmas Tree base
Lifting the table saw out
Lifting the table saw out
Shoveling the dust out
Shoveling the dust out
Tiles shifted out of the way
Tiles shifted out of the way

The new project we started today is to clean out, refloor and plaster in the storage area under the stairs. This is a huge producer of dust (the school used to store coal in there so it was filthy) and today we cleared it out, threw some things out and stored some other stuff. This cross that I had used years ago to secure a gate to prevent the puppies going in turned out to be the old base for the Christmas Tree for the school, so I've put it up with the Old School things in the roof. The table saw that SandS gave me has been moved out to the wood shed so I can use it to cut up firewood and loads of dust and rubbish was removed. This has been where we store our spare tiles as well so they were all shifted out and now are stacked under the windows in the entrance.

Halil sweeps dust around
Halil sweeps dust around
Trimming the slightly high section
Trimming the slightly high section
Big pile of rubbish back here
Big pile of rubbish back here
New stones spread, but the back is low
New stones spread, but the back is low
That's how low it is
That's how low it is
Big lumps of rock to fill in
Big lumps of rock to fill in
Stones have filled the end
Stones have filled the end

The work in the cupboard under the stairs is so dusty and horrible. I did persuade Halil to put a mask on which made me feel happier. They shifted all the dust and then worked on getting a level for the floor. Most of the floor is low enough but there was a little lip that needed chiseling out. Round the corner, however, was so incredibly horrible. They had to dig out many wheelbarrows of rubble and rubbish. With that all done they found that the far end of the floor really dropped away a lot, and using the laser they decided to get some big rocks from our rock pile outside to fill the hole before they spread the smaller pebbles as they had over the rest of that area. This was completed before the end of the day.

Rosie helped Angela finish the tree
Rosie helped Angela finish the tree
We covered the room with tinsel
We covered the room with tinsel
Lifted the tree inside the railway
Lifted the tree inside the railway
Rosie loves the tree
Rosie loves the tree
Rosie sitting looking at the display
Rosie sitting looking at the display
And now in the lounge
And now in the library

The last couple of days Angela has been decorating the trees in the lounge and library and yesterday I went mad with tinsel in the lounge with Rosie and the lounge was looking amazing. Today Angela finished the tree in the library and Rosie is loving both trees, and all the other stuff we've got to make it festive.

Xena thinks she's a parrot, clearly
Xena thinks she's a parrot, clearly
Taking one of two broken fridge/freezers
Taking one of two broken fridge/freezers

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of other stuff. First of all Xena being a parrot-dog with Angela, and finally the men loading Thomas up with a load of rubbish they're taking. Tomorrow they will be bringing our cement mixer back (I'd actually forgotten we had leant it out) so needed Thomas anyway.

Tomorrow should be cement pouring day under the stairs - very exciting indeed. Thanks for reading and back tomorrow.

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