Monday 18 December 2023

Snow, and a new door

What an exciting and fun weekend, and sooo many pictures and videos to go through and share. So settle yourself and get ready for an epic update!

Pickle with her snowman drawing
Pickle with her snowman drawing

First of all the antics of Pickle on Saturday morning as she drew a Sammy Snowman on the window of the lounge and then was hanging upside down by her boots. Rosie thought it was brilliant when she found her.

First thing Saturday morning
First thing Saturday morning
Rosie and Dutch playing in the snow
Rosie and Dutch playing in the snow

Thelma bouncing through the snow
Thelma bouncing through the snow
Xena and Dutch chasing each other
Xena and Dutch chasing each other
Rosie loving the snow!
Rosie loving the snow!
Saving the peas, I hope
Saving the peas, I hope
The snow building up even on thin branches
The snow building up even on thin branches

This is foreshadowing as it snowed from Friday night all night and pretty well all through Saturday and we had epic fun with it! I was up just before Rosie and let the puppies out onto the fresh snow. It was very beautiful! After finding Pickle (and waking Angela up with her excitement) Rosie got wrapped up and went outside to play with Dutch while I got my exercises done and after that I also wrapped myself up and went out. Thelma joined us for a bit but mostly it was me, Rosie, Xena and Dutch having lots of fun. I was heading to start building a snowman when I noticed that all the pea plants were totally collapsed, and the frame had gone with them, because of the weight of the snow so I called Angela and we both worked together to recover them and tie them all back up. The snow was very sticky and sitting on branches which was potentially causing damage to other plants as well.

Rosie placed this snow on Sammy
Rosie placed this snow on Sammy
Bringing more snow
Bringing more snow
Happy playing together in the snow
Happy playing together in the snow
Rosie is happy Sammy is taller than her
Rosie is happy Sammy is taller than her
Our Snow Angel
Our Snow Angel
The flower still hanging in there - just
The flower still hanging in there - just
Xena bouncing through the snow
Xena bouncing through the snow
Very festive with real snow now
Very festive with real snow now

With that done Rosie and I set to rolling and gathering snow and built ourselves an absolutely epic Sammy Snowman. Rosie was gathering snow from all over and she was doing very well patting it in place and helping with the assembly. With the body, head and shoulders done we grabbed some sticks, egg shells for eyes, a chili for the nose and a plastic shape for the mouth and we were happy with him. After that there was plenty more snow play, and I also went round a load of the trees and plants and freed them from the snow, and then we spent quite some time throwing a toy for Xena and Dutch. It was fun but we were ready for the fire and dry clothes when we went back in.

Rosie working on the jigsaw
Rosie working on the jigsaw
The awesome lego box is out
The awesome lego box is out
Thelma and Louise cuddle up
Thelma and Louise cuddle up

After drying off we had a lot of fun inside as well, with more progress made on our jigsaw (Rosie was doing SO well, she found loads of pieces without help and slotted them in correctly) and also we pulled the lego out for a bit and she had a lot of fun playing with it, then put it all away herself. That evening we once again settled down for some Lord of the Rings films and then bed. It was a brilliant day.

Rosie so light she doesn't break the surface!
Rosie so light she doesn't break the surface!

Sunday morning is one picture and LOTS of videos. We took ourselves outside as soon as it was a little warmer (it was a glorious sunny day) to the slope by the chicken enclosure and made ourselves a sledding slope then spent a good hour or so sliding down and having all the fun (and getting cold and snow inside our backs and all that good stuff too). Rosie really impressed me as we went up and she just jumped on the sled on her own and went down the slope without any fear! It was brilliant fun and I'm gutted that today (as I'm typing) has been so warm that the sun melted this too much for us to go again.

Heading back in after finding Pickle
Heading back in after finding Pickle
Very cold and icy conditions
Very cold and icy conditions
The tree got snow damaged
The tree got snow damaged
Frost on the vehicle gate
Frost on the vehicle gate

It was so cold last night I had to wear socks in bed and we were up very early because of the snow as driving Rosie to school was a concern with how icy the roads would be. First off, however, we had to find Pickle who was outside on our sledding slope in her own sled. It was too dark for a picture of that however Rosie was very impressed and amused. The drive to school, I left with Rosie 15 minutes earlier than normal, was OK with only a couple of slides on the hill but on the way back up it was freezing fog and -6 on the hill, though a little warmer up by us. I had to stop and push one of my neighbours out of the deep snow as he was stuck. Unfortunately I hadn't thought of my Silver Birch trees by the driveway and they have once again been damaged by snow. It was super frosty indeed, but the sun was already coming up and burning the fog off.

Bekir gets started
Bekir gets started
Hammering bricks to size
Hammering bricks to size
Getting ready for the door
Getting ready for the door
The new door is delivered
The new door is delivered
Super quick fitting
Super quick fitting

And so to the men, who managed to get up to our place even in Halil's little Golf. They weren't even late! The first task was to get the beam, poured on Friday, out of its shuttering which they did and then they slotted bricks into the gap above it to fill that in. They were working away on this until the window people arrived with the new door and fitted this in very short order indeed. It is a big door and looks great and will give us very good access into this storage.

Such a beautiful winter day
Such a beautiful winter day
Halil plasters at the far end
Halil plasters at the far end
Bekir continuing on the electrics
Bekir continuing on the electrics

It really was a glorious day today however I didn't have the best one as the upstairs toilet blocked. Twice. I spent about an hour unblocking it the first time and was successful but then towards the end of the day I found that it had blocked again and this time our cleaning tool wasn't long enough, even from the extra access port we fitted on the wall downstairs. Hopefully we can get it resolved soon. The men were now continuing on the tasks in the cupboard under the stairs with Halil plastering while Bekir worked on the electrics. I've told them I want this completed this week so let's see how they do!

Rosie, Sammy and Dutch
Rosie, Sammy and Dutch

After school me and Rosie went to check on Sammy who has lost her head but is still standing tall - taller than I expected after the heat of the sun. This evening we have watched more Lord of the Rings and I'm now thankfully done with this update!

So there it is, an epic update indeed. I hope you watched all the videos, they're all short but very funny. Thanks for reading and back tomorrow.

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