Wednesday 30 June 2021

Ramping it up

It turns out that being in a swimming pool with a two year old is exhausting. I was in bed for 8:30 last night and it is now that time already tonight and I wish I was in there again already. Lots more to do, though, so onwards. Quick update hopefully.

Early morning, but not much water
Early morning, but not much water
Beautiful dawn
Beautiful dawn
Just over my ankles
Just over my ankles
In the pool with Rosie
In the pool with Rosie

Yesterday we had no men as expected; when I woke and checked the pool it had barely filled at all over night; I think the free water must have gone off. Later on I swapped to paid water and we have been using that pretty much exclusively since and it is filling faster. Ish. Rosie was able to get into the pool after I finished work with me and we had a lovely time walking around in the still-very-shallow pool. It was really magical indeed.

Sun appears this morning
Sun appears this morning
Tidying up after Monday
Tidying up after Monday
Digging out foundations
Digging out foundations
Getting the ramp slope right
Getting the ramp slope right
Checking all the legs are square
Checking all the legs are square
Angela and Rosie in the pool
Angela and Rosie in the pool

After such an early night I was up early this morning. I did some work before Rosie and Angela woke and then we were able to get her off to school very efficiently indeed. The workmen were in on time and got stuck in to tidying up where they left off on Monday, and then they spent the rest of the day digging out and building the sloping wall for the ramp. I haven't got a picture of the end-of-day state sadly but I'll grab one for tomorrow. They also helped me out at lunchtime to check and lift the legs of the pool totally square. I did some mowing at lunch and again after work and then joined Angela and Rosie in the pool, which was getting deeper all day but still only just about half way full! Rosie is loving it and went back in after dinner. As I've already said I'm exhausted and I think it is being so hyper aware for so long while you're floating with her.

It has been hot today, 32 degrees for most of the afternoon while I was sat at my desk and hotter outside. I think tomorrow is going to be another scorcher and then it's due to cool down. So far the pool has been filling for 48 hours and is only just half way but I think a chunk of that was free water that stopped so I'm really hoping tomorrow sees it done. We shall see. Thanks for reading!


  1. The pool looks excellent!

    One thing I'm having trouble getting my head around; the idea that Rosie is 2 years old. I can remember...

    1. Mate tell me about it!!!!


      Time flies :)

      The pool is truly lovely :) so worth all the effort in having the patio levelled out

  2. Don`t worry the pool will fill eventually. No pressure.

    1. It is so close now; of course now the forecast is for rain and storms :D hahaha

  3. I'm quite sure you don't need me to say what follows, but. Years ago on a visit to Switzerland, a friend had a similar type of pool. One of our lot, older than Rosie is now, got into difficulties in the pool; he had to be rescued by the son of the house.

    Don't overfill the pool; don't make it possible for Rosie to get in unaided.

    (lecture ends)

    1. We got one with a ladder that we can both lift out easily (which is what we do) but also you can remove the steps from the outside so it is just the uprights.

      We will be VERY careful indeed :)

      Thank you sir
