Thursday 24 June 2021

Watering and tidying

 After the epic of yesterday today was always going to be quieter, and an easier update for me as well as less happened.

The day started foggy
The day started foggy
Bekir and Halil tidying up the patio
Bekir and Halil tidying up the patio
Puppy and Rosie footprints in the cement!
Puppy and Rosie footprints in the cement!
Bekir and Halil chipping out cement from the drains
Bekir and Halil chipping out cement from the drains
Filling in some gaps around the drains
Filling in some gaps around the drains

This morning started foggy but that burned off fast and it has been another really hot day; perfect for the pool but we have a little while yet to wait for that. I had my second vaccination jab this morning which was super easy at the hospital and hasn't impacted me much more, so far, than a sore arm and needing to sleep during the middle of the day. I got back to find Bekir and Halil wetting down the cement, sweeping it up, and clearing out the drains and this is pretty much what they did all day. It isn't perfectly flat, mainly because of the huge rush the pump company put them under, but they're doing a good job of remediating that. I would like some of the rougher parts to be smoothed, particularly in case they damage the pool, but I don't know how much more they can do. I think they'll be starting on the next part of the patio from Monday; I expect tomorrow to be another bitty day. We shall see.

And that's it; a lovely short update. Thanks for reading.


  1. There are machines that kinda sand the cement making it very smooth. Also, you can apply a thin layer (3-5 mm) of skim, called "саморазливна замазка" in Bulgarian, it also becomes very smooth as it's made in a more liquid form and kinda self smooths.

    1. Yeah they've put a skim over the top of it; I'll have a word see if we can find somewhere that rents that kind of machine but for now it is better than it was, and probably good enough :)
