Monday 13 March 2023

A lovely weekend, then back to the roof

As the title of this update indicates we had a great weekend and finally have Maisie home! Let's get to it.
Rosie playing with Maisie's Snake
Rosie playing with Maisie's Snake
Reading books to her teddies
Reading books to her teddies
A goat in the back of a 205
A goat in the back of a 205
The moment we reached Maisie
The moment we reached Maisie
Rosie happy with her sunglasses
Rosie happy with her sunglasses
A really cool hat!
A really cool hat!
Burger and chips and a happy Rosie
Burger and chips and a happy Rosie
Blowing bubbles
Blowing bubbles
Saturday morning there was time before we headed out for a lot of play for Rosie including getting all her teddies out onto the camp mattress, then throwing all the balls out of her ball-pit before stashing some inside Maisie's Snake and then going back into her bedroom to read to her teddies while I was having a shower. We headed out on time to meet Halil in town and drive on together towards the garage where Maisie had been for the past five months. On the way we saw a goat being transported in the back of a small hatchback; gotta love Bulgaria. We got to the garage in good time, paid up and thanked the mechanic for coming in on his day off then Rosie was most excited to find that her sunglasses were still in the car. We headed to Jumbo after this, spent some fun time browsing and picking a few bits up, then went to the Italian restaurant for our lunch. I was very tired by the time I got Maisie back home, then went with Halil (who had driven Betty back for us) to drop him at his own car. After a bit of a rest there was still time in the day for Rosie to play with her bubbles that we had got at Jumbo. A fun day all round indeed.
Rosie with her crocodile and her ring
Rosie with her crocodile and her ring
Lining Maisie's boot
Lining Maisie's boot
Gigantic bubbles
Gigantic bubbles
Rosie swings on her new big girl swing
Rosie swings on her new big girl swing
Angela planting out lots of lovely flowers
Angela planting out lots of lovely flowers
Playing with the spinning thing (it really was spinning fast honest)
Playing with the spinning thing (it really was spinning fast honest)
Rosie telling us about her antics in the play area
Rosie telling us about her antics in the play area
Sunday was another fun day; I was doing bits and pieces of hobby and Rosie got to have a lot of fun with Angela. While at Jumbo I'd picked up a pack of pipe cleaners and googly eyes and the first thing they did was to make a bunch of awesome things out of them. Rosie was so excited she ran up to show me. Once I was able to get into my chores I spread the car boot liner into Maisie, and it fits perfectly, then headed back for some more hobby. Angela and Rosie were, by this time, outside on the patio taking advantage of the strong wind to play with more bubbles, including the huuuuge bubble maker that Angela got the other year. Xena was outraged that she couldn't burst them. I then replaced the old swing that Rosie can't fit in any more with a new swing and she had some fun on it before we went up to help Angela with her planting and see the lovely new flowers she has put in. Rosie was having fun with the spinning disk which was going very fast indeed in the wind. For dinner we headed up to our favourite restaurant and had a really nice meal before heading back home.
Halil sanding down the previously jointed strips
Halil sanding down the previously jointed strips
Crawl space all been cleared out
Crawl space all been cleared out
Back to plastering
Back to plastering
Final skim on the floor in here
Final skim on the floor in here
Annoying angles being joint stripped
Annoying angles being joint stripped
And so we reach today. Rosie was back to school and I was busy but the men were in and getting some good progress done. Halil first off was sanding down the joins at the near end of the corridor while Bekir was inside the crawl space tidying it all out and sweeping up the dust that had accumulated. Before long Halil got onto the plastering and Bekir mixed up some terracol and applied a final thin skim over the floor inside the crawl space. This is now ready for carpet! Halil was cracking on with the plastering and also joint stripping over the really complicated shapes in the ceiling at the top of the stairs - a fiddly and annoying job but worth getting right as I'm sure he will.

So there it is; thank you very much for reading and we'll be back tomorrow.

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