Friday 3 March 2023

Friday today

The first day of Angela being away and me home alone with Rosie and, of course, Rosie woke up sick with lots of snot. She wasn't supposed to be in school today anyway so that didn't change much as I'd already booked the day off work, but now I really hope she's well enough for Monday.

Rosie showing off finishing two slices of toast
Rosie showing off finishing two slices of toast

Anyway, I'll open with a picture of her this morning very proud of having had two slices of toast for breakfast.

Halil filling gaps near the peak of the ceiling
Halil filling gaps near the peak of the ceiling
Bekir laughing at me for getting the day wrong
Bekir laughing at me for getting the day wrong
Strips of wood to fill the gaps
Strips of wood to fill the gaps

I spent the morning thinking it was Saturday (because of Rosie being off school) and so when I went upstairs to gather things ready for heading out to the shops I was very surprised to find the door to the roof open and the lights on. I turned the lights off, shut the door ... and then remembered it was FRIDAY today and the men were in. We had a good laugh about that I can tell you. Anyway, they were still at the joint stripping and filling in of gaps preparatory to plastering and were cracking on nicely. I didn't really get upstairs very much at all today as I was so focused on Rosie and because she is sick I didn't want her coming up with me much as it was cold up there.

Rosie has stolen my hat
Rosie has stolen my hat
Our dogs would destroy this
Our dogs would destroy this
Rosie with her tissue stuck to her face catching her snot
Rosie with her tissue stuck to her face catching her snot
Thelma is so happy with her new toy
Thelma is so happy with her new toy
Rosie now has a sore nose
Rosie now has a sore nose

So after that laugh Rosie and I headed out to town. The weather today was atrocious and I wore my new hat, once I saved it from Rosie that is! First of all we checked out a new shop that had some camping supplies and other general stuff. It didn't have the fuel cans that I was looking for but did have some awesome pet stuff including a Christmas themed dog bed. Rosie did very well but was really starting to struggle with lots of snot, bless her. When we got back the puppies were very happy with their new dog toys, Thelma in particular. Rosie and I spent the rest of the day watching some films, though she did have a very good nap in the afternoon and I caught about an hour or just less asleep on my recliner also  - much needed!

Halil getting his plastering on
Halil getting his plastering on

I don't actually know how far the men got as I didn't get back upstairs much after 3pm however they were on with plastering both inside and outside the storage areas and it's really coming together now. I will have to start thinking about getting the carpets ordered!

So there it is. The day is done. I'll be back on Monday I hope, here's to Rosie recovering! Thanks for reading.

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