Monday 20 March 2023

Another epic weekend, and bird proofing

Monday nights are always daunting as I'm tired from the day at work and then I've got three days to write about. So let's get to it.

Rosie is growing up so fast
Rosie is growing up so fast
She still loves these machines though
She still loves these machines though
A tray of flowers for Angela to plant
A tray of flowers for Angela to plant
Spud rows hoed out of the garden
Spud rows hoed out of the garden
Angela gets them planted
Angela gets them planted
Starting to dig up the thistles
Starting to dig up the thistles
A wheel barrow full of lords and ladies
A wheel barrow full of lords and ladies
Rosie proud of all her sandcastles
Rosie proud of all her sandcastles
Clouds reflect the sunset
Clouds reflect the sunset

Saturday was an awesome and busy day. First thing I took Rosie out into town to do some shopping for various bits and pieces. She pushed the trolley around Kaufland and then had a lot of fun on the noisy machine when we left. We picked up some lovely flowers for Angela which she planted almost as soon as we got home. When we did get home I was straight into the fenced garden to help dig out the rows for the spuds and then Angela followed me and planted out all the remaining spuds she had. I was by this time into the garden with the fork first of all digging up all the thistles I could see, and then going after the "lords and ladies" that have sprung up everywhere as they are poisonous! Rosie, all this time, was being such a good girl. She was playing on her scooter a bit but mostly she was over in the sand pile making multiple sand castle. Brilliant. It was lovely all day, though towards the end of the day the wind did pick up, and the sunset was quite lovely indeed.

Rosie doing a jigsaw puzzle
Rosie doing a jigsaw puzzle
Back out in the garden in the sand pit
Back out in the garden in the sand pit
I put a feather in my hat
I put a feather in my hat
Car fridge fits perfectly
Car fridge fits perfectly
Time for a picnic on the grass
Time for a picnic on the grass
This pizza was actually very nice
This pizza was actually very nice

Sunday was Rosie's day with Mummy and she had a great day again. First thing there was play time including some jigsaw puzzles and then a bit of time outside as well. Later on Angela took her to town and they found a new play area that was really good fun so they were out for ages. I took the time to treat my hat with oil, and then fit a feather into the hat band. It looks great. I also check out Maisie, tested the new car fridge and also put the new magnetic charging thing for my phone in. When Angela and Rosie got home I was just spreading the rug out so we could have a picnic on the lawn. The afternoon was much quieter as everyone recovered from their morning and then in the evening we went to our favourite restaurant where I had pizza and Rosie played and played and played.

Supplies have been purchased
Supplies have been purchased
Bekir fixing battens to the steel
Bekir fixing battens to the steel
Mo gets her annual service
Mo gets her annual service
Starting to fit the mesh
Starting to fit the mesh
Halil securing with staples
Halil securing with staples

And so we reach today and it was a mix up day for the men as the weather was so nice we could get a few more bits done outside. One of the plans for the car port is to eventually wall it in and get a roller shutter for the front however that won't be for a while yet now. I asked the men to get some fine bird netting to put around the edge of the space and also to suspend from the ceiling to prevent the swallows and house martins from nesting in all the tempting corners. I had also asked Halil to bring his mechanic friend over to check out Mo and today he arrived, with his young son who had a lot of fun on Rosie's old scooter bike. Anyway, through the day and involving quite a few trips out for parts we now have a working Mo again and also the mesh is up around the outside of the space. Tomorrow they'll be working on the roof.

Plum blossom is just stunning
Plum blossom is just stunning
Rosie with her chalk writing
Rosie with her chalk writing
Swinging from her new swing
Swinging from her new swing
The bulbs are looking amazing
The bulbs are looking amazing
Fun with friends
Fun with friends

To round the day out a few more general pictures. Firstly the plum tree is blossoming so awesomely right now it's incredible. The smell from this is amazing and there were so many bees on it today that you could hear them from up the patio! When Rosie got home from school she had a lot of fun with the chalks drawing on the pump house then went onto the swing for quite a while having lots of fun. The tortoise garden is looking amazing right now as well. Finally, after we did the watering of the garden, she get her trike out and the Other Brother's son came over to play with Rosie for a bit which was awesome.

So there it is; I hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you for doing so. Back tomorrow.

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